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"Now you can't get that wet at all, if that happened you'll need to come back asap to get it redone. Since it was a clean break it should take about two maybe three months to heal, but that depends on your body. We'll schedule a follow up in a month." The doctor said as she finished putting the painkillers inside a bag, her eyes were glued to Shownu the entire time.

"Thank you." I said, reaching for the bag.

At the same time the doctor held it out and dropped it as soon as my fingers brushed the bag. Her arm recklessly fell to her side and bumped my cast. I shrieked slightly as the blow sent a sharp pain through my arm.

"Clumsy me..." the doctor breathed out as she bent down and grabbed the bag.

"Indeed...clumsy you" Shownu sighed as he took the bag from her.

"Can I go now?" I mumbled as I started to grind my teeth together.

"Uh-huh...the sling...use the..." The doctor said, her eyes lingering on Shownu's form.

Sighing I took the ring from my left index finger and slid of over my ring finger. I glanced at Shownu, his eyes flicking from my hand to my face then back to the doctor. I knew he wanted to know what I was doing and he was going to find out. This trip to the doctors took almost two and a half hours because of her staring.

"Can you please not stare at my fiance? I find it very rude" I said standing up.

"F-f-fiance?" the doctor stuttered as she turned to me, sighing I held up my left hand and flashed the simple silver band.

"Fiance. Now if you could...sign the discharge papers so we can go home" I smiled as her smile dropped and she quickly grabbed her clipboard.

Finally after two and a half hours we were walking out of the hospital. My arm now resided in a cast and a sling. Shownu seemed absolutely oblivious to the fact that the doctor was flirting with him until I lied about being his fiance. I wasn't happy I even had to lie like that, but hospitals freak me out. I sighed as I walked towards the doors but slowed when I noticed Shownu wasn't at my side but walking towards another hall.

"Wait in the car, I need to get something" he said as he tossed the keys back to me.

"Get what? Can it wait? I'm hungry" I sighed as I caught the keys.

"So am I" he said as he looked back at me, the lightish red hue making their appearance.

"Shownu...not here please...I promise we can just go back to the house and we can eat there" I groaned, thinking he was going to go take advantage of a nurse or even a patient.

I watched as he paused and looked up. He scratched the back of his head and ruffled his brown hair before turning back to me. Nodding, he made his way back and took the keys. Sighing in relief I followed him out.

"Let's just get you something to eat here in town, I can wait." Shownu said as we climbed into the car.

"Are you sure you can wait? We can go home" I sighed as I tried to buckle in.

"I'm sure, you haven't eaten all day. I.M texted while they were putting the cast on saying as soon as you woke up this morning you were packing. You can tell me what happened when we sit down to eat" he smiled as he leaned over and buckled me up.

"Not much to explain" I mumbled as we drove off.

I sighed as Shownu helped me out of the car. I hadn't decided what to eat but Shownu seemed to know what I wanted so I let him pick. I strayed behind him slightly as people passed us. Before we even entered the shop, a girl stopped us.

"Hi...I'm sorry to bug you but...I was wondering if I could get your number" she smiled sweetly as she looked at Shownu.

"Uh..." I watched as the tall man in front of me rubbed the back of his neck.

Sighing, I stepped forward and held his arm. He glanced down at me as I looked up at him smiling. The silver ring glinting at him as I squeezed his arm.

"Everything alright here?" I hummed as I glanced at the girl.

"Everything's fine, I'm sorry but my fiance and I have to get to lunch..." Shownu smiled as he looked at me.

"Ahh...I didn't know you were..." the girl mumbled as she took a step back.

"Taken? Engaged? It's okay...most girls tend to think they have a chance with him" I said as I looked her up and down.

She wasn't too bad, she was pretty. Her hair was a platinum blonde, smooth and silky. The roots signalled she recently got her dye job. Her makeup was kept simple, the winged liner stretching a little too far to compliment her. The lips a red mixed with purple tint. I glanced down at her outfit, a little too showie for my liking. Her cleaving on show due to her pale purple shirt that was paired with a light wash denim jeans.

"I see..." her smiling faltering slightly before she walked passed up.

"Allie...did you have to say that?" Shownu sighed.

"She has to face the have someone and it's not her" I sighed as I glanced at her.

"Still it was rude" Shownu sighed as he pulled me along with him.


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