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Stalking like the killer It was

  I glanced at Mark's back as he walked away with Bambam to get us another drink. After being dragged away by a crowd and getting lost in the park, he didn't leave my side. Shae convinced them both that she was hungry, I knew she wanted to get me alone by how much she insisted. I let her pull my arm, leading the way from the food booth the boys went to.

"Allie, did you tell anyone we were coming here??" Shae hissed.

"What? No, who the hell would I tell??" my face scrunching in confusion.

"I don't know...maybe Kihyun and those two other guys you know!" she hissed, leaning in closer to my face.

"Why the hell would I....wait they're here!?"I shrieked, looking around panicked.

"You didn't know!?" Shae's eyes were huge.

"No! I haven't spoken with them since I told them I had exams and couldn't hang out" I sighed.

"Should we leave? I wouldn't want your date ruined because of the getting lost and then your other friends" she looked so disappointed in the idea of having to leave.

" it's fine, but let me use your hair tie" I mumbled.

  Shae compiled and gave me her hair tie. Sighing, I threw my hair up, styling it half up and half down. Shae seemed pleased with the look before she took off her earring and put them on me. I shot her a look but she just smiled like a goof ball. We slowly made our way back to the booth at the same time the two guys came with our drinks.

"Allie, do you want to go on a few more rides" Mark asked, taking a sip of our drink.

"Yeah, as long as Shae and Bambam come with us on the next one" I smiled.

  We stood in line for awhile, the line for the drop was long. I bobbed up and down excited, Shae looked sick, the heights made her quesy. Mark had wrapped his arm around my waist, smiling at how happy I was. We reached the front and I was out of control, half of me was so excited but the other half wanted to chicken out.

"Just hold my hand and you'll be fine" Mark laughed as we strapped in.

"Oh my god, oh my god. We're gonna die! Allie I hate you" Shae chanted as the ride ascended.

  I quickly grabbed Mark's hand the closer to the top we got. Our feet dangled, Shae barefoot because the workers worried they'd fly off. Three clicks, the three clicks signalled the drop.




  I screamed at the same time with Shae as we dropped. My hand gripping Mark's and my hair blowing up. I laughed when the ride slowed and came to rest before we slipped out of our harnesses.

"That was amazing!" I hollered as we stepped off the platform.

"Oh my god, i almost pissed myself" Shae whined.

"Your hair" Mark laughed before he brushed it back into place.

"Thanks" I mumbled, the heat rising to my cheeks.

"You're welcome" he mumbled, I glanced at him to see his own shade of pink appear.

  We all walked together looking for rides we haven't been on. Bambam had his arm around Shae's shoulder while Shae had her arm around his waist. Mark had taken off his flannel and gave it to me to use. Shae had begged to wait in line for a roller coaster, sighing we got in line behind a group of girls who were whispering about a group ahead of them. My eyes searched the line to see how far left we had, but instantly I froze. That familiar hair, the orange styled just right stood out just like the blonde next to it.

  That damned fire orange seemed to follow me everywhere, stalking me like the killer it was. Shae was right, they were here but it wasn't just the three she saw. The whole group must be here and that worried me. As if on cue, the orange head and the blonde turned to look in our direction. I panicked and instantly turned to Mark, my arms finding their way around his waist as I hid my face in his chest.


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