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The room was quiet for a moment after she spoke. Each letting the words sink in, it wasn't hard to understand but it made no sense to any of them. For Wonho it was puzzling, he had been with her a few moments ago and she hadn't said anything to him. His eyes lingered on the back of her head as she turned and took a look at Hyungwon.

"Why didn't you say anything about this earlier?" Jackson had decided to break the silence.

"How was I supposed to know about it?" she defended.

"Obviously you knew you were a couldn't have..oh I don't know asked one of them about it?" Jackson retorted as he eyed her.

"You don't say? Now how exactly am I supposed to bring it up without oh I don't know...sounding creepy??" she scoffed.

"The same way you just did with's not that hard. You could have easily went to Shownu and asked how you know who you belong with" he shot back.

"Oh well Jackson...I didn't exactly have the goddamn chance! I came here this morning to talk with everyone and well shit I found four....four females in the house! After the shit I was put through last night and this morning, I think the last of my worries is how I know Hyungwon smells like fucking jasmine and lavender!" her voice raising with each word she spoke had her chest heaving as she finished.

"Jesus Allie...calm down, I'm just trying to point things out" Jackson grumbled.

"Calm down? I'm supposed to be calm about all of this? Does it look like I'm enjoying this?" she asked as she neared the edge of the sofa.

"Back up...what happened last night??" JB asked as he eyed Allie.

"...Nothing" she quipped as she glared at the three.

"That's between us and her" Wonho said as he stepped forward.

"Am I done being questioned?" Allie asked as she stood.

"No. I want to know one more thing" JB sighed as he glanced up at her.

"What is it?"

"Can you sniff your shirt and tell me what it smells like?" he asked as she stared back at him.

She stood there slightly shocked, her eyes never breaking the connection they had with JB's. Hesitantly, she lifted her left hand and brought the sleeve to her nose. The contact finally broke as she closed her eyes and inhaled. The scent was faint but it was there, the small moments from last night on replay in her head.

The group watched as she let her arm fall back at her side. Awaiting to hear her answer as she sighed. The silence felt deafening to Mark as he watched her. He wanted her to say him, to say it smelled exactly like him. He wanted to let everyone in this room know that this was his girl.

"...Like autumn. The smell of warmth on an autumn day. Like apple cider and an old book" her voice was back to it's soft tone as she met JB's eyes.

"Who's shirt is that?" Wonho asked after she spoke.

"Mine..." she said as she looked back to him.

"Don't lie to me. You were with someone last night, I want a name" he said as he stepped around the sofa and towards her.

A low growl was let out as Mark shot up and reached to pulled Allie towards his chest. Just a few moments earlier and he may have had her in his arms, protecting her. Except he was met with empty arms. The cool brush of air was all he felt, along with everyone next to him. No one had seen Hyungwon move but it was obvious he had

A small whimper was the cue to have everyone look near the tv. The shaking girl clinging to Hyungwon as his arms were wrapped securely around her body. His eyes set on Wonho and Mark as they stood defensively towards each other.

"Pull something like that again and I'll rip out both of your fangs. Don't you even think about fighting with her in between you two." the warning tone was enough to have Allie hid her face near his chest.

"I remember where I've seen you before" Wonho growled out as he ignored Hyungwon.

"Do you now?" Mark asked as he glanced towards Hyungwon.

"Maybe...Maybe we should talk without the girl here" JB suggested as he stood.

"I think that might be for the best" Shownu suggested as he nodded towards the the hallway.

"No..I'm not going anywhere" Allie defended as she moved her face back into view.

"It's not up for debate princess" Wonho murmured.

"Can you all just shut up? Maybe we need to let her talk. All we've been doing is neglecting how she feels!" I.M groaned as he stood up.


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