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The Friend and the Bitches

   The girl made her way back to her booth, settling with her book in hand. Her soft green eyes gazing over the page, looking where she left off. The chime dinging once she found it. Glancing up towards the door before glancing at the male, meeting his gaze before he signaled she didn't need to get up. Nodding she glanced at the other male making his way to his friend.

   She was never one to really pay attention to how others looked but she couldn't stop herself from studying the way the two guys looked. Both had their hair styled away from their foreheads, one looked slightly cold while the other held a warm smile on his face. Their hair drastically different, one had obviously dyed his hair orange while the other had a natural looking brown tone. Each had their own stunning features that the girl just couldn't put her finger on. Looking away and back to her book the girl tried to immerse herself in the story.

   The low chuckle slowly snapped her out of her stories world. Glancing at the males, she now noticed the cold looking one had a smile on his face, his dimples pronounced and giving a now warmer look to himself. Glancing at their cups, she noticed they had since finished their coffees. She silently slide herself from the booth and made her way back behind the counter, making both a fresh drink. 

"Sorry to interrupt, I noticed you two finished and well I'd hate to have you two sitting here chatting away without a fresh here, it's on the house" she smiled sweetly before setting the new cups down.

"Oh...well thank you. Sorry if we disturbed your reading" the brown haired one said, sliding his drink closer to himself. 

"No no it's fine, I was actually going to put it away before I finish the story" she took the used cups and began to the counter. 

"You're a kind girl to bring us these" the orange haired finally speaking to her. 

"It really is nothing" she set the cups aside and sat back at her booth, bringing her own drink to her lips.

"Is it usually this empty?" the orange one asked.

"Usually, we don't get many customers nearing the late afternoon unless you count the occasional mother/child duos that slide in for something sweet." she replied as she glanced over.

"Well I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm craving something sweet" he glanced over smiling before sending a small wink.

   The two carried on their conversation, letting the girl carry on to her book. She book marked the page before sliding it into the bag. The chime ringing once again, causing the girl to sigh slightly before taking her place behind the counter. A small group of girls made their way inside, Allie instantly gulping. The group usually came later in the day, they were the high maintenance kind of group, Allie knew this group very well since they went to her college.

   The noisy crew made their way to the counter, glancing at the two boys who had stopped their conversation. Allie knew exactly what the girls were thinking, the looks the group wore on their face said it all. The four probably were thinking about how to get the two in their beds. Not wanting them to cause awkwardness between her regular and his friend Allie spoke. 

"What can I get you today?" her voice still soft but loud enough to get their attention.

"'re working" the girl known as Jiyoon said harshly.

"Four lattes, you can manage that right?" the other one, Haeun, questioned.

"Four lattes coming up" Allie managed to bite her tongue as she got to work on the four drinks.

   The quiet that once filled the cafe was now replaced with giggles and the chattering of the girls. The two males sat quietly, waiting until the girls would quiet down but sadly that never came. Instead of leaving, they sat there occasionally glancing at Allie as she made the drinks. Of course as Allie made her way with the drinks, the girls got louder.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" Allie managed to put in.

"Yeah you could leave. You're blocking the view" Jia, the next bitchy one said as she waved her hand.

"Oh my gosh Jia way to say it out loud" the last, Hayoon, groaned as she hid her face.

   Glancing at the two males as she walked back to the counter, she saw the awkwardness written on their faces. They knew the girls were flirting and it made them uncomfortable, she saw it. Setting the tray on the counter and going to grab her bag, she set it onto the floor before sitting down next to the regular customer. Both glanced at the girl as she pulled out her workbook and pencil case. Allie glanced between the two boys, smiling at the raised brows.

"Something wrong?" she asked as she looked back at her workbook.

"Not at all, what are you working on?" the dimpled one asked.

"Nothing really, just notes and reviews for an upcoming test I have." she didn't glance up when she answered.

"Anything we can help with?" Allie glanced at the brown haired male, who was looking over her shoulder.

   Before she could answer, the scoffs distracted her causing her to look at the four watching females. What they saw had probably pissed them off and that slightly frightened Allie. As she gulped, she felt the soft weight on her hand. Looking at her hand and at the owner of the other hand, she felt her fear suddenly melt away.

"Don't mind them, you just study. Don't worry about anything other than studying." he smiled, showing his dimples once more, as he spoke in a soft low tone.

"Thank you..." she trailed off, unable to finish the thanks since she didn't know his name.

"Jooheon. I'm Lee Jooheon and this is Yoo Kihyun" he nodded towards the other one sitting there, the regular customer.

"Nice to officially meet you, I'm Allie...just Allie" She said softly.

   Allie couldn't exactly focus on studying, as much as she wanted to. The four girls made it slightly difficult for her to even write proper notes. Sighing, she just admits the defeat as she drops her pencil on the table. Kihyun gave Jooheon a puzzled look before he glances at the frustrated girl next to him.

"Allieee" Jiyoon chimed for the third time

"Yes...Jiyoon?" Allie grimaced slightly before looking at their table.

"Have you finished the notes for our class tomorrow? I want to borrow them" Jiyoon smiled as she saw the girls attitude shift.

"Not yet Jiyoon...maybe you should try to take some yourself?" Allie suggested.

"Did you just tell us to do them ourselves?" Jia scoffed and looked towards the girl.

"I believe she did. Maybe you girls should leave also before we make you" Jooheon turned in his chair slightly to look at the four girls.

    The four had slight shocked looks on their faces but Jooheon looked calm and collected. Allie glanced at the situation at hand and gulped. She knew that even if the girls agreed to leave, they'd come back at closing time to torture her for the notes. Before Allie could tell Jooheon that it was fine, Kihyun spoke.

"I think it's alright Jooheon, the girls just seem annoyed that Allie is getting our attention, how about you go show them some" Kihyun looked at Jooheon, who had his brows raised slightly before he gave in sighing.

   Allie watched as Jooheon stood up and made his way to their table, pulling up his own chair. The once angry girls suddenly became flustered messes the minute Jooheon sat down. Each girl becoming silent and attentive to the guy. The power of hormones is all Allie could think as she watched them interact. 

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