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  Allie glanced around when she didn't feel the males presence next to her, In fact she didn't see him at all. Panic rose in her chest, as she spun around and looked through the crowd that had begun to form. Not a single face she recognized was in the crowd, the long lines to the rides didn't hold her friends, the nearby booths had no sign of them either.

  Shae and Bambam glanced around when they realized that Allie was no longer in front of them after a huge crowd passed by. Mark instantly looked to the place she stood, but there was no brunette holding a teddy bear in sight. Worry, fear, and panic bloomed with in him, the girl he was so infatuated with tonight was gone.

"Allie!!" Shae called out, hoping the girl would hear her.

"Allie where did you go!?" Mark yelled next to Shae.

Shae had walked forward calling out her name but Allie hadn't appeared by her side yet. Guilt began to swirl in the pit of her stomach, this is exactly why Allie hated crowds, she hated the way it was easy to get lost from each other along with her anxiety taking over. It was never an issue before because they always came in the evenings on weekdays.

"ALLIE!" Shae yelled once more before she panicked.

"Shae, go to the front and ask them to announce her name! Bambam you search up front with her and I'll cover down here." Mark gave orders that were quickly carried out.

Shae ran to the front and Bambam trailed behind her asking everyone he saw if they saw the green eyed brunette carrying a teddy bear. Mark ran from ride to ride searching the lines for any sign on her. Yelling her name when he could, hoping she would rush towards him. They had met in the middle after her name was announced to the park, waiting for the girl to come running.

"Allie! Come out now! This isn't funny!" Shae yelled, if this is what it felt like to lose your child in public then she was never going to let Jace out of her sight.

"Mark!!" A broken voice called out causing the boy to turn. His eyes landing on the one thing that gave him relief of the panic.

"Allie!!" Mark rushed forward, meeting the girl halfway, their bodies crashing together.

Her broken sobs were muffled into his chest as they clung onto each other. Both relieved to find each other. Holding onto her tighter as she shook, Mark rest his chin on top of her head.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left your side" He mumbled

"I couldn't find you, the crowd...the crowd of people dragged me away" Allie mumbled into his chest.

"I'm sorry" he sighed as he presses his lips on to her hair.

  Shae and Bambam joined the hug, relieved that they had found the girl. There was something about the girl that had Mark and Bambam on edge, the pull to protect her. The same pull Bambam had to Shae but not as wild and strong. As the couple let go, Shae's eyes found about three familiar figures in the crowd, backs turned to her laughing and in line for a ride.

"Guys let's go sit down somewhere. I think we all need it after what just happened" Shae suggested.


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