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He did something stupid and She ran

   Finally it was time to close, after helping the last customer left I locked the door and turned the sign to closed. Relief washed over me as I silently cleaned up the small mess the cafe held. Quickly gazing around to see if I had forgotten anything before I left for the night, I slang my bag over my shoulder and switched off the lights. Locking the door and not looking back, I made my way towards the college dormitories. 

   Nearing the dorms, I started to hear familiar voices. Glancing towards the side of the building, the small forest path I heard a few whimpers and cries. Ignoring my instincts telling me not to get involved, I hesitantly stepped closer. Rubbing my palms on the hem of my jacket, the whimpering getting louder. 

"Help me...please...someone" a small hoarse voice was calling out, why did it sound familiar. 

"Help us...please" another voice cried, the sobbing getting louder. 

"Shut up before you end up like your friends" a harsh voice growled. 

   Gulping, I pressed myself against a tree before peeking out. Suppressing a gasp, I watched as Jia and Jiyoon lay there crying and begging for someone to help. My eyes wandered to the lifeless body that wasn't too far from the two, Hayoon. Panic rose in my chest as I searched for Hauen, only to find her slumped against a male, whimpering in the corner. 

   "Someone please" Jia tried to cry out again, I looked at her and our eyes locked for a split second before she was grabbed roughly by another male and pressed against the wall.

   I watched as he pressed his face against her neck, mumbling something to her. She shook with fear before she screamed out in pain. Covering my mouth, I watched as the male had sunk his teeth into her and how her scream was quickly quieted by the blood that was now gurgled out of her mouth. I had to do something, as much as I disliked the girls I couldn't just let them die. I looked at Jiyoon as she sobbed and tried to crawl towards the lifeless body of her little sister Hayoon. 

"Hayoon....Hayoon wake up..." the sobs racked Jiyoon as she caressed her sisters face. 

   I glanced at the two males who held the other girls, if I acted now I could easily get Jiyoon out and possibly get Hayoons body for her. I slowly sunk to my knees and waved both hands to get Jiyoons attention. Nothing worked, I silently crawled forward towards a huge rock. 

"Help us someone" Jiyoon cried again as she held her sister. 

   As if she knew I was there, she looked towards the rock, our eyes meeting. I put my index finger to my lips, signalling her to not say anything. Nodding, she let her cries for help fade out. Glancing towards the males, making sure they were busy I slowly got up and carefully moved forward. 

"Fuck..she went dry" I froze as one of the males spoke. 

   Slowly allowing myself to look that direction, I watched as he dropped Haeun. Any hope she was alive was crushed when she didn't make a noise as she hit the ground. Now not only was Hayoon dead but Hauen as well. I looked back at Jiyoon as she started crying and trying to crawl away, right towards me. I reached out for her, but she was pulled back quickly her screams piercing my ears.

"NO!! HELP ME!!" Jiyoon screamed as she was pulled back. 

   I stood there motionless as Jiyoon's cries were cut off like Jia's. Frozen, as her blood trickled out of her mouth. I didn't have time to notice my bag slide off my shoulder and hit the ground with a loud thud. The sharp intake of breathes knocked me into my senses, the heads turning to my direction made me slowly step back. 

"Shit...I.M get her before she runs too far!!" one of the males yelled. 

   I quickly turned on my heels and ran. Pushing off the trees and bolting out of there as fast as I could. This was bad, so bad, I just witnessed three girls being killed. I glanced back as I ran, noticing now not only was there someone chasing me but another had joined him as well. Facing forward again I diverted from the path onto the college grounds, the dorms...I need to get to the dorms.

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