Chapter 51: Huh. Fun

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Epona's POV:

The strangest thing happened to me today. I was walking down the hallway that I've walked down so many times before, just thinking about how I want to be strong enough to just deck someone and drop them, when all of a sudden, two large doors appeared. 

Like, I've never seen them there before. Nobody else was around, so I thought I'd open them and look inside. Turns out, it's something called The Room of Requirement. And now it's my personal punching bag room. I was just chilling, punching the punching bag, just doing my own thing when the door creaked open.

Swiftly I turned to see who it was to just see Draco Malfoy, who froze in place staring at me.

I froze as well, looking down, remembering that I had taken advice from the internet to work out in just a sports bra and leggings.

"PERVERT!" I yelled, throwing bag at him, and he laughed, "GET OUT!"

"Yes ma'am. Whatever you say." He held his hands up into the air, and I put on my shirt and walked out of the room.

He was leaning against the other wall, and I stuck my chin in the air, ignoring him.

"Don't you dare tell anyone anything." I said, and he smirked.

"Darling, I would never. Then they'd want you, and I can't have that." He purred, and stuck my tongue out at him.

"What? You want me all to yourself?" I joked, but his smirk grew wider.

"Of course I do. Why would I let peasants enjoy the hearth?" He said, and I rolled my eyes. He then stopped me, a concerned look on his face, "Epona...At first I thought it was just the lighting in that room but..." Draco grabbed my hands in his, and my breath hitched, "You would tell  me if you hurt yourself, right?"

I bit my tongue, hard. Fuck. I knew he would find out. He's going to realize that I'm just a waste of space and breath. Just a useless little shit. I should just end it...

"Of course I would." I laughed, pulling away, "Besides, you don't want a piece of shit like me to be your fancy space." 

And with that, I swiftly walked away and out of his view.

Draco's POV:

Oh my god. I should've seen the signs earlier. The scars...they littered her skin all the way up both of her arms. I thought I noticed it before, but I brushed it off as just her vitiligo. How could I have been so stupid? I should've been able to tell.

"God damn it!" I yelled and punched the wall, "Why the fuck wouldn't she tell me? Am I just not good enough for her? What did I ever do wrong?!" 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I spun around, throwing a left hook, but my hand just phased through the person.

"Draco. Calm down, now." Lucinda said, her eyes glowing, "It's not the time for this right now."

I took a deep breath and followed her back to my dorm, where she shoved me onto my bed. Lucinda sat in the chair across from me, and waited calmly.

I took a deep breath, "Before you say anything, I have a question for me. Over the summer, Epona texted me about Sirius Black and a girl named Lucinda. She said she only heard their names in her head, but she didn't know why. So she asked if I knew anything about it. So what is it?"

Lucinda sighed, "If this will make you talk to me, then I'll tell you. I wasn't always condemned to the Slytherin's dormitory. I was still dead, of course, but I met a curious boy who went by the name of Sirius Black. I don't know why, but I found him so fascinating. I could never get him alone to talk to him, because he was always with James Potter. And because like most people I didn't think he could see me.

"I was wrong though. I went to the Gryffindor dorms one night when I knew no one else was there, to see if I could write a note, or anything to get his attention. Turns out, he was there. Alone. And he could see me. We became really good friends, despite the fact that I'm a, you know, ghost. Eventually, though, I found myself in love with him. He even told me he loved me too. It was great, until we both realized that neither of us could actually like, touch each other. He always just passed right through me."

She sighed, a tear coming from her eye, "I was so in love back then. I still think I am. But it wasn't meant to be. But because we were stupid kids, he tried to do anything he could to see if he could bring me back. At least for a day. Then Dumbledore found out what we were planning. He told us that there was no way to bring me back, and it was best if we stopped seeing each other all together."

Lucinda sniffled, and I felt bad. She looked at me with sad eyes, "I didn't listen though. And I when I saw him kissing another girl; I was heartbroken. I know I had no right to be. But I got angry, and I became dangerous. Started telling people lies about their futures to make them want to cry and fall on the floor. So Dumbledore trapped me into here so that I wouldn't hurt anyone else.

"When Sirius found out, he was furious. Not that I'd hurt those people, but because he thought it was his fault I got trapped here. No one else could see me, and the Slytherin students wouldn't let him in. For one day, though, at the end of his seventh year, Dumbledore let me out to see him. We spent the whole day together. I even figured out how to turn myself slightly solid, just enough to hold his hand. But that was the last time I ever saw him." Lucinda took another deep breath.

"I highly doubt he ever thinks about me. Not with all the false facts about him being a killer. But there you go. My sad love story. Though, thank you. It's been a long time that I've had that on my ches-" Lucinda stopped mid sentence, hers eyes widening.

I stood up, "Lucinda? What is it?" I asked worried.

She looked at me, the deepest concern in her eyes. And said one word.


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