Niki Wants In

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Chapter Summary:

Niki was laying in her bed one night, when she—for some reason—felt daring. She loved her hair, she really does, but her recent meet up with Puffy made her think about how nice it would be if she changed the color of her hair. The question is, to what color?


"You want to do what now?" Ranboo—who was halfway raising his spoon—asked.

"Change my hair color!" Niki exclaimed, a huge grin spreading onto her face. 

"Yeah, sure," Ranboo said followed by a hum. "Why do you want to do that exactly?"

"You know Puffy? I mean of course you do," Niki said.

"Yup, I definitely do," Ranboo said with a laugh as he remembered that certain Hogsmead visit.

"Yeah well, she's a Metamorphagus, right, so she changes her hair color constantly," Niki said. "So last night, I thought, I want to change hair colors too!"

Ranboo pouted as he eyed Niki's dual colored hair. "I'm gonna miss matching with you though." 

"Aww, Ranboo," Niki said, "You can always mess with Fundy's hair." 

Ranboo's eyes lit up with mischief, "Fair point!" he exclaimed, maki Niki laugh. "You have a color in mind?" 

Niki hummed, "No, not really. That's what I'm trying to figure out."

"Figure what out?" A voice from behind Ranboo asked. 

"Are you just never going to eat on your own house table?" Ranboo asked.

"Hey! I do sit at my house table," Fundy defended. "...sometimes." Niki and Ranboo gave him a pointed look. "Okay, like, once every few weeks."

"You're the only person that I've seen that loves sitting in our table so much," Niki laughed. 

"Hey, Tommy's usually in our table chatting with Tubbo every dinner," Fundy pointed out. "Think about this as fair trade. Anyway," Fundy waved his hand around dismissively, "what are figuring out?"

"What color to change my hair into," Niki said.

"Oh, nice," Fundy hummed as he began to think, "Yeah, the color has to be bizarre."

Niki raised her eyebrows in interest, "You think so?"

"Yeah, why stick to something boring," Fundy huffed out a laugh, "imagine getting black and white hair."

"Hey! I'm quite satisfied with my hair, thank you," Ranboo commented before he went back to eating. 

"Yeah," Niki nodded, "that sounds good!"

While Niki contemplated what bizarre colors there are, the three of them continued to eat breakfast. Time passes pretty fast when you're just hanging with friends, because the next thing she knows, Niki found herself walking towards the greenhouses with her fellow 5th year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors for their third class of the day—Herbology. 

"Oh, hello Tommy," she greeted the young 4th year who appeared to be still cleaning up. 

"Hello Nihachu," Tommy said as he raised a potted plant up a shelf, the thing lunged forward in attempt to snap at Niki—who thankfully backed away just in time. "Hey! Hey!" Tommy reprimanded the plant. "We do not snap at women—or people in general." The plant turned to Tommy and stuck its—supposed—tongue at him. "Okay, now that was just fuckin' rude." Tommy took the plant and placed it a level higher on the shelf. "That should teach it." 

Niki laughed at Tommy and the plant's interaction when a though struck her mind. "Tommy. what color do you think I should change my hair to?" she asked.

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