Sam's First Mission

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Sam's finally graduated from Hogwarts and is somehow on his first mission with the Head of Aurors.


Sam took a deep breath as he fixed his clothes, holding his wand tightly as he stood outside of the Head Aurors' office. He has no idea why he was nervous, it was just Phil. Then again, being assigned to be the newbie under Phil is quite nerve-wracking considering all the expectations that's gonna be placed on him. Despite all that, Sam raised his hand and knocked. 

"Come in!" Phil's strained voice came from inside. 

Sam pushed the door open and found Phil pulling away a big stick from Charlie. "Umm, is this a bad time?" He asked. 

"No, no," Phil grunted once he was able to pull the stick away from Charlie, setting it on his desk. "You're just in time actually. How are you feeling?"

"A bit nervous if I'm gonna be honest," Sam laughed. 

Phil chuckled, "Yeah, that happens. I wouldn't worry too much, today's mission is pretty simple if we're basing on the reports handed in. Perfect for a newbie's first mission."

Sam nodded at him, "When are we heading out?" he asked. 

"We can go now if—"

"We can't!" Charlie protested. "Not without my big stick!" 

"Charlie, for the last time," Phil sighed, "it's very unlikely that we're gonna encounter an ostrich in the city."

"But we could," Charlie insisted. 

"We have wands," Phil pointed out. 

"The wiki says use long weapons! Have you seen how tiny this is?" Charlie asked comparing the size of the stick to the size of his wand. 

Sam awkwardly watched as the two argued about sticks and ostriches. "Fine," Charlie whined, "but if I die to one, this is on you Phil." He walked out of the office grumbling. 

"Sorry about him," Phil said, "he's taken interest in self-defense."

Sam raised an eyebrow, "How exactly is that related to ostriches?"

Phil groaned as he headed out, gesturing for Sam to follow him, "Hell if I know. C'mon, you know how to apparate?" 

"Yes sir," Sam said.

"Please don't call me sir, I feel old," Phil chuckled. 

"You mean older?" Charlie asked. 

"I will leave you here, Charlie."

"Apparition it is!" And just like that Charlie was gone. 

"We'll meet at my house and go from there," Phil told Sam before disappearing. 

Lucky for him, Sam knew where the Craft household was as he had gone there plenty of times to, in Wilbur's words, babysit Tommy for the day. Sam disapparated and arrived at Phil's house where he found Charlie rummaging through the Craft's fridge. 

"We're heading out," he hears Phil say from upstairs, "make sure you don't destroy, sell or make the house disappear while I'm gone."

A chorus of "Yes Phil"s can be heard as Phil came back downstairs. 

"Okay, so there has been reports of weird incidents at a park nearby," Phil started as he gestured for the two to follow him out into the night. "They say they some random items floating around, odd smells and stuff like that. It's possible that it's just some prankster since usually we can track down magical activities through wands, but then again, this person could possibly perform wand-less magic. We've had those kinds of cases before."

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