Part 76

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Liam POV:

We get home and i parked the car and we get into the house and once we got in Luna said," Okay guys we are going to make Beef Spaghetti, chicken and garlic bread, so can you guys and go wash the veggies and take out the shopping, and we will be with you after I clean up Liam's Injuries."

They nodded and went into the kitchen with the bags, but she took out the first aid kit that we bought and she grab my hand and we walk up the stairs and I kept on saying that I was fine but she didn't listen to me and then she get into her bedroom and then walked straight into the bathroom

I closed the door and she pointed at the toilet and said," Sit"

Liam chuckled Bossy

 and i did what she said and sat down and she got in between my legs and examined my face as I looked at her and she got a towel and dabbed some water on it and squeezed out the water and went back to me and placed it on my eyebrow and gently kept dabbing at it.

she looked at me and I kept on looking at her and she chuckle and said," What? do i have something on my face?"

I chuckled and said," No, but i am just looking at you and thinking how grateful I am to have you, i can't believe i am about to say this but i thank my dad for forcing me to go to school cause i wouldn't have met you."

She smiled and looked at the cut on the eyebrow and said," You know what they say? fate has crazy ways of bringing two people together."

I chuckles and then I looks like something is bothering me but i keep it in , so she then got some antiseptic cream and put it on a swab and dabbed it on the cut and then she grabbed my face so I can look up at me and examined my lip and got another swab and gently kept on dabbing on my lip to get some of the blood off  and just by looking in my eyes she could tell that something was really bothering me, so she dropped everything for a moment

"Okay, What is bothering you and don't tell me nothing cause i won't believe you." she said crossing her arms

She knows me so well and 

I then put my arms around her waist and said," I am scared, scared that something could happen to you and i won't be able to protect you, We are still trying to track him down to stop him, but he keeps on getting out of our grip."

I don't want to lose the best things that ever happened to me 

she places one of her hand is my hair to calm me  and it works as I hum as she  play with my  hair and she said," Liam, firstly, I love you so much no matter what happens and it is not your fault for all of this to happen, secondly this is one of the reason why we are having this dinner, thirdly have you considered and i hope i don't sound as i am accusing you or anyone of your group but i have been thinking really careful on why Cyrus wants revenge on you for snitching on him and i can't really think of any other reason but have considered that someone else snitched on him but is framing you for it and fourthly, have you tried to get his attention as in doing something to get a reaction from him?"

i left her in silence as i suddenly remember what Cyrus told me the first time was saw each other," Watch your back, cause you don't know who could stab you in the back."

Son of B*tch

but i just started pulling her  tighter

i then looked at her and i looked angry at first but by looking at her, i calmed down and said," So, you think I have a rat in my gang."

"Well, think about it, i mean if you didn't snitch on him to the police, then who else could it be?" she replied

he sighed 

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