Part 49

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the morning came round and the girls were sitting in the room on the chairs and just talking, when I saw them, I slowly got up and Cami was by side and helped me and I smled and said," Thank you."

"Okay so Cami what time should we go to yours?" I asked 

Cami eyes widened and Remi said," You are coming, Your back?"

"I am coming and this is final guys,. I am fine." I said

"okay, well he I just saw him leave and drive off , so we can go now." she said

I nodded and I got up and went into the bathroom and washed up and then she went out and got dressed and when I was ready, we all headed for downstairs and entered the kitchen and we saw Grayson and Angie and when they looked at me Angie came to me and from the brick of my eyes, I could see Grayson looking concern and purely because she left his side 

I smiled and then she came and hugged me gently and said," Hey, Luna, you okay?"

I nodded and then Grayson walked over to us and pulled Angie to her side and he calmed down and said," Hey Luna, how are you today?"

"IF ANYONE ELSE ASKS ME IF I AM OKAY, I WILL SCREAM OR GO CRAZY, I AM FINE!" I shouted and everyone else stood back 

I calmed down and said," Look, I'm sorry, but I am fine." 

Grayson nodded and we went and made ourselves some breakfast and Angie said," Okay, so how are we going to have sneak into Cami's house?"

Grayson said," Wait, you are going into that guy's house after what he did?" 

"Yes, I need to get my stuff." Cami said

He nodded and said," But please be careful and safe." he looked at us and then looked at Angie and I could see the love that he has for us, but specifically for Angie

"We can go from the back of the house to get in, he always keeps it open." she said 

We ate and talking, and then we headed out and Me, Cami and Remi went into the car while Angie said goodbye to Grayson and when she was walking to the car he kept looking at her and for some reason I felt that he looked really conflicted on hat to do or something.

she got into the car and we waved at him and he waved back and I drove to Cami's and when  I found a park to stay and we got out and got out some bags and I said," Let's just get the things Cami needs and the rest we can buy when we go shopping after this."

They nodded and we walked into the back of Cami's house and the door was opened and then when we came in, we can instantly smell Alcohol and drugs and I looked back and then Cami grabbed some of her things and then we immediately headed for her bedroom and she got out her suitcase from under her bed and Angie said," Do you want to pack all your clothes?"

she nodded and I packed all her Makeups and the went into her bathroom and packed all the skin care applicants, Remi packed her shoes and Cami packed her school and bed stuff and cuddly toys  and then she opened a door and brought out her memory box of her mum

Even though she is in Rehab, she still cares and loves her.

she put it in her suitcase and the room looked empty and Remis said," Okay I think we packed most of the things, is there anything else you need packed Cami?"

She looked around and packed the last minute stuff and I said," Remember, we can always buy the things that you need."

she smiled and nodded and then when everything finished, we tried to bring everything in one go and we couldn't so we put the stuff in the boot and then we went back into the house and got the rest and when we finished we immediately got out of the house and when we got into the car, Tony arrived in the driveway

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