Part 20

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Looks like everyone is having fun tonight? Who could that someone be?

We finish the car karting and we head out but before we could go somewhere else someone shouts out," Hey Luna boo." And I closed my eyes and then opened them again and I turned around and so did everyone else and Connor was right in front of us and I said," what do you want?"
"Is this Connor?" Liam said and looked at me, I could tell he was going to do something.

Before I could say anything Connor said," Yes I am, and you must be the famous Liam that is dating a *cough*Slut*cough*"



I chuckle and I went to him and punched him in the face, and he fell to the ground and I grabbed his shirt and I punched him again and I grabbed his shirt again to make him stand up and I chuckle and said," You touch her or go near her again and I will give in the pleasure of killing you." And I punched him and he fell to the ground and Luna came and pushed me back and I followed her somewhere and I knew I blew it up and I said," I'm so sorry, Luna, it's ju—"

I understood why he did it and I don't blame him instead I hugged him and I said," I know, and I forgive you."
He hugged me tight and said," I don't want to ever lose you."
I smiled and said," you won't."
Liam let go of me and cupped my face and had a worried face on and I frowned and he said," what happened there?" And he pointed at my neck
And I tried to make a good story up, so I said," oh me and Autumn went to a martial arts club one evening and by mistake she kind of took it a bit far and strangled me."
Liam closed his mouth and tried not to laugh but I looked at him and said,"  go on, laugh I see how it is."
Liam laughed and It was pretty funny and I started laughing and then I punched him in the arm, he looked at me and then turned from happy to sad and I touched his cheeks and he kissed my hand and I said," what is wrong?"
"I'm scared Luna, scared that someone will take you away from me and I wouldn't be able to cope if something did happen to you." I smile and said," is it because of your gang."
He kept quiet and then he nods and I smiled and said," look, Liam everything will be okay, I can protect myself sometimes, Okay n I won't let anyone take me away from you, I'm also scared that someone is going to take you away from me."

Aka, Thomas

I look into his eyes and he touches my cheeks and I smile and he said," I don't know how I'm going to react when I see him touch you, I don't think I'm going to be able to hold my anger someone else is kissing or touching my girl."
My eyebrows flew up and I smile and said," My girl."
Liam chucked and grabbed my waist and then kissed me and I kissed him back and then he said," You are mine, I can't believe I'm actually letting someone else take what's mine."

"How could you want someone like her." Someone said

Then we turned to see who it is and it's Connor, bruised face and he had a smirk on his face and I rolled my eyes and looked at Liam and as he was tensing up and I quickly said," ignore him, focus on us." I smile and I kissed him and he calmed down and I said,"Leave us alone, Connor."
Connor chuckled and looked at Liam and said," Hey you don't worry, it's not over."
Liam smirked and he said," oh I'm counting on it to be not over."

Connor was an inch from me and Liam pulled me behind him and stared him down and I had to pull him back just in case and he listened and he was calmed until

"You can't keep hiding slut." He said and Liam chuckled and he ran to him but didn't reach him and I pulled him into a hug and he said," I just hate when people call you that word l, especially someone that is you."
"I know but you must know that I'm used to it." I Said and that is the truth

This beautiful, incredible, innocent angel should not be used to be calling an awful name

"I swear Luna, if someone ever calls you that again and your not there I don't think I can control myself." I Said looking sincere and she looked at me and said," I know but please try to because I don't want to see you get hurt."
" but I get hurt when you get hurt." I Said
She looked at me and then we head to play other kind of rides and games and it was the best time ever and we then all got tired and headed for the cars and she said," I hope you enjoyed yourself."
I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me and laced my lips on hers and she deepens the kiss and she placed her arms over my shoulder and I said," I loved it today."
She smiled and we let go of each other and laced hands with each other and we get to the car and I open the car for my princess and she smiles her beautiful smile and got in and I get in myself.

Travis PoV:
I open the car for her, and I get in and she said," so how long have you known Liam for?"
I kept quiet for a minute and then she said," Sorry did not mean to pry."
I smiled and said," No it's not that, umm my mum died when I was born, and me and my dad and my sister were in a horrible state after that and then we met Liam and his family now their dad is a drinkie horrible father to them so my dad takes his place when he can most of the time and me and Liam have known each other since 1st grade though and summer since she was born before their mum died."
From the glance of my eyes and I could see Remi, she had tears in her eyes and she said," that is a very inspiring story and I'm really sorry to hear about your mum, I really am, so where is your sister?"
" In Orlando with her family." I Said and she said," so are you and your sister close?"
I love how nosy she is, nobody ever wanted to listen to my story they all want one thing and that is Sex and I smiled and I said," I'm taking you somewhere hold on and I'm not kidnapping you don't worry."

You got to see a bit of Travis PoV do let me know if you want to see anyone besides from Liam and Luna?

"Enjoy your life"

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