Part 66

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I went to the fight match area and I saw that Grayson and Travis was there and I walked up to him and we did Man hug And did the same to Travis and he said," hey man how are you? Are you ready?"

"As I ever will be, aren't you suppose to be with Marcus." I said to him

Marcus is Travis's Dad

" and miss my best friend kicking butt not a chance, anyway just texted Remi checking on things."  He explained

I laughed and that reminded me of Luna so I got my phone out texting her

Hey have you left yet?" Xx

She replied back

Not yet, at 8:00 we are leaving xx

I clenched my jaw and replied

I don't like how it's at night it is dangerous around that time, where exactly are you going?"

She texted

You and your protectiveness these days 😂 xx and I kind of. Can't say."

What does she mean she can't say? Is it dangerous?
So I decided to call her and find out l

"What do you mean you can't say? It better not be some where dangerous Luna." I said and looking at Travis and Grayson and they were also confused

"Liam, trust me on this then however dangerous it will be I have got this under control okay." She said hoping that will calm me down

I then punched a punching bag and i said," I really want to just kill him right now, I hate that I can't do anything."

"I know but I'm not alone, I have Angie with me I am fine." She said

Before I could say something else Grayson grabbed my phone and said." What do you mean Angie is with you? Wait is she coming with you guys?"

He put it on speaker so we can all hear

"Hey Grayson how are things? I didn't know you were there." She said in a soothing voice

We then could her Angie's voice said," Grayson."

"Omg Angie are you okay? Are you hurt?" He said sounding worried
"Yess I am okay, why wouldn't I be?" She said chuckling
"Umm because I heard that you are going out at 8 with Thomas and you guys can't say where your going, which then tells us that it is somewhere not safe, why are you going?" He explained on the phone

There was silence on the other line until Angie said," oh will you look at the time, sorry we have. To go bye."

And the phone cut after that and we all looked puzzled and Grayson looked so angry that I honestly think he would do something

"Grayson man, look I know you are worried and angry but right now it not the time." I explained

And I got a text message and I looked at Grayson and he went and started punching the punching bag and I looked at my phone

I will explain soon don't worry and make sure Grayson doesn't come here please I love you so much."

I reply

You better give me one good one before I kill him and I will try and get Grayson cool but he is already getting a bit impatient and I love you so much more xx"

I put my phone away and went to then and I said," look man why have you been distant from Angie."

Grayson stopped punching and then he sighed and he kept quiet and still for a moment and then he said," I love her and I need to protect her."

Me and Travis frowned at that

"My brother and my dad have always hated me and would love to take everything from me especially my brother and they have taken majority of everything from me, but I will be damned to let them take or hurt my Angie from me, that is why I have to keep my distance from her, but I just don't know how long I can though, with Jack still around I don't know." He explained

It made so much sense now why he is doing it, we are all trying to protect our girls from our past

So I sighed and said," look man, I understand you, and I know that you love her and she loves you but I think it's best if you actually tell her why before she thinks the worst that you don't love her or have any feelings of her cause you kind of left her after you dealt with Jack and she might think that you are angry at her or hate her now, if you want to be with her, then there shouldn't be any secrets between each other." 

Grayson sighed in defeat and I put a hand on his shoulder and so did Travis showing him that we got his back

"Your right I should buy, I don't know how she will take it." He said and we all sighed together

Travis then looked at me and he looked nervous and I frowned at him and he said," I did the background check on Thomas for you and it doesn't sound good."

I closed my eyes


"Look tell me after the match." I said and he nodded
Then we hear the door open and in comes the guy I'm fighting and

Andrew Cooper, he always tries to thrash talk you but you always have to ignore them

I clenched my jaw and Travis said," let me help you stretch your muscles out."

I nodded and said my thanks and then he helped me do my stretches when people were filling the room, there were a lot of people here and the only thing that is keeping me sane about this is My Luna and I smiled and that.

*10 minutes later*


Everyone screamed in cheer and I chuckled and then he ANNOUNCED


I got ready to be announced


And I got up on the stage and put my hand in the air and as the crowd cheered my name and at the corner of my eye and I saw Travis and Grayson looking at me with fear and worry in their eyes and I frowned and they both tilt their heads to the crowd and I then looked at the crowd and looked everywhere until I saw something that made my heart almost stop



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