Part 54

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Luna and the girls were behind us and I was driving me and Travis to school and I just couldn't stop thinking about Luna's panic attack, what happened?

why does she have panic attacks?

"Man, you okay?" said Travis while he looked at me 

"I am just worried about Luna's panic attack yesterday." I said driving 

"Same, but she seems alright now, though that is all that matters." he said sounding calmly 

He is right 

I nodded and then we drove into school and found a parking, we parked just few cars away from the girls and from Grayson and Angie.

We had assembly in the hall so we walked into the hall, but I was looking at Luna all the way and when we entered the hall it was almost full of students, Luna looked back and rolled her eyes, so I looked back and saw Thomas, Jack and someone else beside him and I clenched my jaw and then Travis tapped my shoulder saying," Ignore them and let sit down." 

with that I sat beside Travis.

*10 minutes later...*

"Can we give an applause for Raymond Heaver, as he funded for our summer fest festival." the Principal Mark announced 

we all applause for him as he stood up and he was looking everywhere until his eyes landed to the girls so I look over at the girls and Luna was looking at Cami and she smiled a mouthed," Thank you." 

I looked back at the guy and he nodded and smiled and I thought," Oooh someone has a crush on someone."

I was going to say something to Travis, but when I looked beside me, I saw him with clenched jaw and clenched fists and he was looking forward, so I looked forward on the stage and saw the reason.

"Can we also welcome back Ryle Anders back to spring high school." Mark said

I looked over at the girls and Remi, I couldn't really see her reaction, but I know it isn't good and I said to Travis," Hey man, it will be okay, he won't do anything." 

Travis said," He better not, I swear I will kill him if he does." 

I smiled at him and thought," I have never saw him this angry before, he must really care for this much."

"You must really care for her man." I said 

"I love her." he said 

I wasn't paying attention to what Ryle was saying but my eyes widened at what he said, so I said," Omg, I have never heard you say that for as long as I have known you, wow we are both whipped." 

Travis chuckled and said," I haven't told her yet though, so keep quiet."

I put my hands up to surrender.

Mark then announced that we can leave early at after lunch for some issues 

after that was told, we had to stay behind for something else, so out of the sudden Travis stood up and was walking over to Remi and when he got there he hugged her so tightly. 

Luna looked at me and I mouthed," Are you okay?" and she nodded to me

I got tap on the shoulder and it was Frank, a school mate from economics and sat down where Travis was and he said," how did you find the homework?"

I shrugged and said," It was as bad as I thought, what about you?"

As he was going to respond, he glanced at something and clenched his jaw as well, so I glanced backwards and then some students were entering the hall and then the minute they did, there was shouting and whispers 

I said," Who are they?" 

"They are the West high school, we have competition with them." said Frank through gritted teeth and then I recognised two guys from the crowd and I clench my fists, it was those two pricks that was harassing Summer and her friend ad called Luna a slut.

Frank walked off and Travis came back and said," What are they doing here?"

I shrugged my shoulders to show I don't know and then we were looking at the girls and then we saw Ryle walk up to them and made them jump and Travis was going to go up to him, but I grabbed his arm and he looked at me with anger eyes and I said," Calm, he isn't hurting her, you don't want to cause  trouble right now."

Travis calmed and then nodded and I let go of him and he said," I just can't stand him even near her, it makes me want to hurt him."

"What do you think I feel when it comes with Thomas, the same man, the same." I said to him ad he chuckled and I said," You do realise that you guys can be together it is just me and Luna who can't right now."

He sighed and said," I know, but I don't want to take any chances or risks." 

Mark got back on to the stage and then said," Everyone settle down, okay the reason why they are here, is because their school have been vandalised, so they will be studying here for just today, so please play nice with each other." 

I looked at Luna


We stood up and Mark said," Okay, Have a nice day."

and with that me and Travis walked out and then we went our separate ways to our lessons and I had economics first and I had a few west high students in my class and everything was tense, even the teacher that was teaching us.

*Lunch Time*

I went to Kimberly's table and when I got there, she saw me and stood up and walked over to me, with caked up makeup

Luna is better than that

and she tiptoed and gave me a sloppy kiss on the lips and then she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the table and made me sit down

got to admit, she quite strong

and then she sat on my lap and then I saw Travis coming this way and then we greeted each other handshake and then we hear a shout 


We then looked at where that shout was and then I saw it and it was from the guy earlier and then I saw my Luna drag Cami behind her to protect her and I was going to stand, but I forgot that Kimberley was on my lap, so I sat back down and watched 

he was walking forward and I clenched my fists 

He better not touch either one of them, if he doesn't want me go over there and kill him

My eyes then widened

That must be Sebastian

that made me more angry which Kimberley could tell because by mistake I squeezed her thigh hard , so he said," As much I love it rough, why are you tense baby?" 

with that made me vomit in my mouth, but I wasn't paying attention to that, I was more interested at what that prick was going to do. 

Luna looked like she was getting angry every minute, which made me angry at the sight.

that was it for another 5 minutes later and then he walked off, which made sigh of relief 

then suddenly we hear a BANG! and it was Raymond, he punched a locker a few lockers away from the girls and then Cami walked to him and then Luna just stood there and then Remi and Angie ran over to them 

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