Part 32

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The Bell Rang


Home time finally,

I packed up my bags, I had economics last and all of the lesson, Thomas kept glaring at me until I said something
"Is there something wrong with your eyes? Or do you have a problem?" I said looking right at him
Thomas shake his head
"No, no, oh cause your eyes seem like they do." I replied and with that we heard a lot ohh's coming from other students
Then I payed my attention to my essay

Anyway I head to the car park and when I reached I could Luna, and the girls waiting for someone or something, and then I texted Travis:

To: My Brother
From: Liam
Hey Man, can you do me a favour and look at Thomas's background I want to know why I don't have a safe vibe from him

I instantly got a reply

I thought you would never ask, gosh haha 😂

With that I chuckled and then out of no where I hear my name being called out and it was Summer, so I smiled and she wasn't smiling, she looked more upset, as a worried brother I said," Hey Summer, what's up?"
"Don't overreact or get angry okay but Blake cornered me today" I look angry because I was "however, Luna saw the whole thing, she came up and told him to leave me and autumn alone me and then she grabbed me and dropped me at class and she offered that me and autumn could sit with her at lunch time if we are lonely or scared."

I was happy that Luna was there to protect her, but was angry at Blake and myself because, how dare he try anything with my sister and how Luna had to see him and also myself because I wasn't there to protect them both

So I did the only thing that I could and I embraced her with a hug and said," I'm glad that Luna was there." With that still hugging her I saw Luna and she was laughing at what cami said and then she glanced at me and she then looked serious and mouthed and said," Is she Okay?"

I nodded and she nodded and smiled and I mouthed," Thank you." And she smiled and then the thing to make it worse Thomas came up to her
And then I let go of summer and I wasn't going to leave until they left, so summer said," okay, Liam I will see you later."
I nodded and walked off to Luna's direction


Thomas comes up to us and it was me, cami and autumn.

We were going to walk away but Thomas grabbed me back and pulled my arm back and he said," you guys can leave."
He was referring to the girls, but the girls didn't even move, but then he dragged me and and then they followed and he noticed and Autumn said," We are not leaving her side so you can either say what you want or leave."
Thomas then shrugged and rolled his eyes and said," What's with you and Liam?"
I rolled my eyes and said," What? There is nothing going on between me and him, we are in some classes together that's all Thomas."
"Why is he always with you, whenever I see you?" He said looking irritating
"I don't know he just is, okay look Thomas I'm not cheating on you, believe I know what would happen if I do and I will not take that risk." I said looking more irritated

Oh yes I would

Cami then scoffed and then walked over to Thomas and and said," Look, you know that I hate you so much with passion right, well I don't care what you do or don't believe but I will not let you ruin my BestFriend life just so to satisfy you if I have to go through you or something like that so be it."

And we all knew she wasn't bluffing

Thomas then chuckled and said," and you wonder why no guy will ever like you or love you."
"Thomas, how dare you say that?" I said looking so mad
"Well it's the —-." Before he can finish that sentence and he was slapped by Cami and we all gasped and then without hesitation I pulled Cami back and Thomas looked absolute mad and then calmed down and said," Look, it's okay, I am not mad, I will let you go off this time cami but the next time you do that, I will not take it lightly."

He then walked forward and we both walked backwards and then out of no where summer arrives and then she said," Everything okay here?"

I then come across someone staring and it was Liam and he was getting really angry due to him clenching his fists and then I shook my head at him and he then let go, but didn't leave and then Thomas looked at Summer and then he smirked, but before anything else I grabbed her arm and said," I don't think so." And with that we walked off

Remi and Angie has to stay behind for some assignments, so we walked off and I said," how are you guys?"
"Well for me it went smoothly until now." Autumn said
"Well you know, and also yeh." Said Summer
And then I looked at cami and she tried to hide her face away but I stopped her we were almost at our car and I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes and then I got angry, so I was about to go back and give Thomas a piece of my mind but she grabbed me back and said," Don't please I don't want you get hurt even more."

"But, Cami he is making you cry right now." I said but before anyone could say a word and we heard

"Who do I have to hurt?" Coming from behind and we saw Raymond, that guy I saw before

He looked angry and not happy and then Cami wipes her tears and said," Guys, I am alright really, it's fine."
"Then why are you crying?" He said
"I don't know, I think it's because I just have a lot on my plate right now?" She then explained

Raymond sighed and came closer and then reached out his hand and we all looked at each other and frowned and he said," Cami give me your number, if you need me, then I'm there."
"Well she wouldn't need your help, she has me." I then said remembering that he was rude before

He looked at me and sighed and said," Look, I'm sorry about before okay for scaring and for being rude to you okay?"

I scoffed and looked another way and cami give him her phone and I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders and then he gives back her phone and then he leaves and we then went back to the car and then I drove off to our house and then when we got there we got out and then there I saw a car that was familiar very familiar

Who car could it be?

Read to find out

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