part 9

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Luna's Pov:


"I am done with you Thomas, we are over, what you do to me I will accept but don't hurt anyone else." I said

Thomas gave me a deadly look and said," aww how sweet you being heroic, doll bit of advice it does not suit you"

"whatever." I said and walked off

1 hour later

I tell Liam everything and then I hear the door flew off their hinges and out came Thomas with a gun and shoots Liam and everyone that I care about ad I yell "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

and I fall to the ground crying with tears of guilt and pain and Thomas comes up to me and I crouched down to my level an said," told you what was going to happen, have a nice life anyway."

he left me there

* Present*

I wake up scared to death but calmed when  it was only a bad dream, I looked around to find no one, I'm guessing everyone went to school, so I stopped and smirked and said to myself," NO I am not going to let Thomas ruin my life and education, I am going to go to school and live my life the way I want to."

so that is what I did I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put make up to cover the hideous bruises and then went downstairs to have some quick breakfast.

I hurried in my car and I go into my car.

once I got into school premises nobody was there, due to the fact they were having lessons, so I quickly parked my car, and I immediately get in school and I figure out what I have first which is Maths ughhhh.

So I quickly go to the maths block and once I get in the class I can feel  all eyes upon me, but the eyes I was mostly interested was wen I saw Cami and Travis eyes on me I could see they were shocked and happy to see me and I chuckled and I went to the teacher and explained why I am here and she told me to find my seat which I did.

*Bell rang*

Cami and Travis came up to me and she said," What are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be recovering?"

"recovering? from what?" said Travis confused and I looked up at Cami and she mouthed 'Sorry'

"Yeah I had a slight headache last night, and to answer your question yes I am in today because I wasn't going to let a simple headache ruin my education or my life."  I said confidently

"That is my girl." Cami said and hugged me gently, and Travis said," Well done, anyway I will see you guys later."

I nodded and she let me go and we went to our next lesson which we had psychology, but before that I decided to surprise Riley and Liam, so I crept up to them and they were talking abut me and Liam said," How is Luna? I am quite worried and so is black lightning."

I chuckle at that, so I said," well she is fine thank you for worrying and also tell black lightning that I miss him too."

with that they both turn to face me and Liam was so happy to see me he grabbed me and hugged me and that is when I felt safe in his arm and I never wanted to let go and he finally let go and apologises


I was a bit down in economics because Luna wouldn't be here and it made me not concentrate in lessons, I just wanted to leave, but without thinking I felt something hit my forehead it was some paper, I look around to see who it was and it was Thomas, so I open it and it said:

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