Part 64

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I called Grayson's number and it rang

"Hey man What's up?" He answered
"You up for hanging today?" I replied in a calm tone
"Yeah sure where?" He answered
"Green light at 8pm." I asked
I heard silence on the other line and then bang noise
"Hey man everything alright." I asked frowning
"Yeah, I'm down any particular reason why there." He said sighing

"I have a fighting match there." I said
"Wow, does Luna know that you do this?" He asked and then chuckled
"No.  and I don't want her to, she will just worry more." I said

I am glad that she won't be there, it is a dangerous areas for her to be at.

"Okay I will be there around 7:30." He said
"Okay see you then." I said and hanged up on him
And I checked the time and it said 4;30

Wow the time is going!


We are still at Mocha and talking and suddenly Remi sighed at loud and Cami said," What got you so twisted?"
"This Andy guy." She said annoyingly
We all frowned at her and she said," He keeps look at this table and it starting to irritate me, like who does he think he is right now."
I then looked around the cafe to find Andy actually looking at me and he smiled and brought his drink up to look like we were chinking glasses

I give him a awkward smile back and turned around and I said," Okay, I think it's best we leave."
"Agreed." Angie said
We got up and we then headed for the door and when we got Remi sighed in relief and said," Good cause I really was going to do something—"

"HEY LUNA!" Said someone from behind us and I could Remi sighing again
It was Andy running up to us and I said l,"what's up?"
"You forgot this back there." He said and showed me my purse
My eyes widened as I take it out of his hand and said," OMG thank you and sorry that you had to run out of there."
"No worried it is cool." He said chuckling

There was silence until Remi said," Okay bye."
I looked back and looked at her and I said," Sorry about that."
Andy just shrugged it off and I said," see you around Andy."
And Remi dragged me away from him

Me and My dad were parking and he got out to pay for the ticket and I was still in my car thinking about specific person
I then glanced around and my mouth open when I saw the specific someone I was thinking about


I smiled and then saw her with the girls and she looked like she wanted she was fed up about something and I wonder what that would be

Until we hear someone calling them from behind and when I saw who it was I frowned even more


Why is he with them?

I could see Remi rolling her eyes and I trying to hold in her anger or something and I was now confused did Andy do something to them to irritate her?

Just the thought of that made my jaw clench and I see the whole thing l but, I can't hear anything and 
Then towards the end I saw Remi drag Luna away from Andy and I could see Andy giving glares towards my Remi's head which makes me angry

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