Part 38

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I immediately went up to him and when I got to him I cupped his face and said," What happened?"

He looked at me and he smiles that worth dying for smile and i didnt smile, I was so worried for him." 

"We will leave you guys have the room." Remi said and the girls wes walking up to us and he looked up and said,"I am sorry for disturbing you guys, i jst needed to be with her." 

"Are you kidding?, Liam, you don't need to apologise or explain." said Cami 

then they walked out and i grabbed his hand and i pulled him and made him to sit on my bed and i was going going to sit beside him, but he grabbed me and picked me and now I was straddling him and then he just hugged me tightly.

I have never seen him this bad before, did something happen at home probably did, and then I said," Liam you are worrying me, what is wrong?" 

he let go of me and, but didnt let me go and then he looked at me and then i saw his hands and i grabbed them and they were brusied and i looked at him and then i cupped his face making him look at me," You got into a fight with who? Marley? Someone?"

He looked at me and was about to kiss me, but i pulled away and I got off him and said,"Liam if you don't tell me what happened, i won't let you kiss me." 

"I'm sorry, Luna okay." he said and he sounded so broke that he sounded he wa going to cry and i looked even more scared now and i couldnt help myself and I crouched down and he instantly looked at he and he caresses my cheeks and I leaned itno his touch and i said,"Why are you apologising to me liam?  please tell me what happened?" 

he sighed and said," I was so angry, because my dad threatened you and Summer, so when i got home with my anger I then fought one of my old friend from my gang, because marley mentioned you and then he called you a slut, and i was already angry at first and that too, i just thought he would be the one that i will lash my anger out on, and then you know i was just so angry, and then he called you one again a few minutes after that and I was going to kill him luna, I  promise i was, and then i that is when i was told that my dad is getting married to his mum, so he will be my step brother, but i wasn't having it and i walked out and went for a drive and the only way that i was going to be able to calm was to see you and have you in my arms." 

When he told me that story, I was so angry and sad that he had t fight because of me, but he was the one to apologise to me, i hugged him and he hugged me back tightly and said," I ams orry luna, i didnt keep my promoise i tried to, but i couldnt, i love you so much, i have fallen deep in love with you that I can't lose you and i won't." 

I let go and said," Hey, you kept your promise to the best abiltity you could, but when your angry, your angry, there is no coming from that, but i should be the one to apologise, I am always the one that makes you keep fighting your family and getting yourself hurt." 

Liam pulled me back on his lap and then said," Dont you dare apologise to me, you are not the one and it's them that are making me fight them and they are not my family, Luna, you  are my family." 

he went in and kissed me and then this time i let him kiss me and we just kissed each other and then we stopped and I said,"You want to stay the night?" 

"But what about the girls?" Liam said

"No, you sare staying and they are fine you here, you can sleep on the most comfiest sofa bed downstairs." i said and then chuckled 

"Where will you be sleeping though?" he said

"You want me to sleep with you don't you?" i said

he nodded and said," I want you close to me as possible."  

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