Chapter 28: Poisoned

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"What do you mean you don't know what's wrong with her!" Cassien yelled at the doctor.

After Lyrica fainted at the party they brought her to the Royal Hospital. The group was at a specially made hospital where people with a high status go to. They brought her in and immediately they brought her into a room to get hooked up on antibiotics. The doctor didn't know exactly what was wrong with her because they were still waiting for the blood results.

"Lyrica Castillo you said she was coughing up blood and having trouble breathing?" The doctor adjusted his voice as he looked up to the Prince. Cassien looked like he was going to kill him, "Right now we're waiting on her blood sample results. So for now your highness please be patient."

"Be patient?" Cassien grabbed the doctor's collar, "This is the future Empress we're talking about here. If she..." he didn't want to think about it, but he had to, "If she passes away I will hold you all responsible for responding too late to her. You get that?"

"Hey calm down!" Peter pulled his brother away, "I'm sorry, please bring us the results as soon as you can." Peter excused the doctor so he could escape and looked at his brother upset, "Usually you should be telling me this, but calm down! You shouldn't kill the poor doctor, they're doing everything they can."

"Hey your brother is right for once." Aubrey was sitting on a chair next to Lyrica's hospital bed, "If you stress these doctors out they won't get anything done."

"How could I be calm when I saw her like that..." he imagined the whole scene where Lyrica fainted. Her pale skin, the red blood, and when she dropped she had almost looked like she was hanging onto life.

- two hours later -

"We've gotten the results back in the lab." The doctor had a clipboard with the paperwork they had gotten from the lab, "In her blood we found some traces of poison."

"Poison?" Cassien raised eyebrow.

"Yes, in the blood there were remnants of the ancient plant called the Kama plant in there. The symptoms cause hard breathing, coughing up blood, and severe chest pain. It seems to be attacking the respiratory system which is why she began coughing up blood."

"Okay, then there is a cure for it right?" Aubrey got up from the chair.

"That...Since it is an ancient plant it is a plant that we are unaware of. So..." The doctor looked at the trio with a sad face, "We don't have the cure."

"What..." Cassien said disbelieved at what he heard.

"At most we can give her more antibodies to try to take the toxic out. But even then...I'm sorry that's all we can do." The doctor said, then his pager beeped, "Please excuse me." He opened the door and walked out of the room.

"So there's no cure!" Aubrey said in an angry tone.

"I...I might know someone who could help..." Peter told the two, "I have a friend who used to study plants because he was going to be a pharmacist. Maybe he'll know."

"Call him." Cassien ordered.

- 30 minutes later -

"Jeez! You call me in the middle of the night." It was Mr. Hendrix who was still wearing his pajamas. He was also carrying a large text book, "Here hold this and open it up to that bookmark." Mr. Hendrix gave the textbook to Peter.

"You called the café owner?" Cassien looked at Peter.

"What? He used to study medicine." Peter explained, "Plus he tends to know a lot of things when it comes to ancient Valentino stuff." Peter flipped through the page and opened the book to where the bookmark was. The page showed a picture of a yellow flower and had text written under Heath of it.

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