A Pawn's Pain

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I can't help but think it
After so many experiences
I know doctors are so smart
But they don't always listen

After years of pain
I have proven one thing
When I say my body hurts
I'm telling the truth

Unfortunately for me
And every other patient
The system isn't perfect
Someone has to say it

I've told my doctors
Time and time again
Something is wrong
I can feel it

They say I'm alright
The tests proved me wrong
Normal results
Relax and stay calm

Recently, I switched doctors
To keep them accountable
My new doctor ran additional tests
A real diagnostic panel

You know what I saw
Directly in front of my eyes
My medical chart proved
It was the doctors who lied

I will give some credit
The regular tests were barely normal
Yet hiding behind them
Was the test that changed their minds

The regular value is 200 or below
Mine was only 800
But my previous doctors knew better
They didn't even check

See when I was first diagnosed
I received the full panel
Then after that testing
I went to a smaller version

With the smaller panel
Doctors could tell me I was wrong
Yet when they see the full picture
They can't use me as a pawn

It's really quite a shame
That after all this time
I could have been healing
If my doctors believed me

It happens too often
A patient is ignored
I wonder how many suffer
From a doctors word

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