If Tragedy Strikes

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I know it doesn't make sense
I know that what I say matters
I know not to put it in the universe
But I can't stop hearing the whispers

I'm not destined to live a long life
When I think about being 30, 40 or 50
I can't see it in my own eyes
I just don't think I need that much time

I can't explain it at all
This feeling I have
That I might be a "tragedy"
My life stopped in its tracks

I've heard it so many times
That I'm mature for my age
That my mind is older
For me, it's beyond my brain

When I was 18 years old
My knee was 35
At 20 years old
I'm in pain all the time

I can empathize with coworkers
Double my age
Simply through my body
The never ending pain

So if my feelings are right
If my time is near
I just want everyone to know
I lived plenty of years

I'm not someone who's life was cut short
Who had years left to live
I'm sure at that point
My body doesn't have any more to give

I left my tiny scratch on the world
I gave my friends some good laughs
I hope I showed people life is fun
No matter your path

Though my mind was mostly dark
When the sun dropped each day
My family and friends made it worth it
They took chunks out of the pain

If for some reason I am to be missed
I've got one final request
Just know in your own heart
All you can do is your best

I had the best support system around
You helped me roll with the punches
I was able to love and to laugh
In so many different places

If you want to remember me
Every now and again
Watch the night sky
That's where magic happens

If you think you don't matter
I promise, you're wrong
You are beautiful in ways you can't see
Like the words of a song

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