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When did I become dependent
On the medicine
On doctor visits
On treatment

I should be grateful
It's not Cancer or Crohn's
I am grateful
I'm lucky

Sometimes, though
I think about the past
Wonder what happened
Why my body turned against me

Max doses on every med
Until they find a way
To make me normal
To stop this pain

"The goal is for you to feel normal"
I'm puzzled
How can I feel normal
Taking over 20 pills a day

My stomach always hurts
Food makes it worse
My pills tear my insides
Every. Single. Time

After three months
Trying to find who I am
I'm still not better
My body just can't

His head snaps towards mine
The face of surprise
When I tell him
I'm still not alright

I just want an answer
I want the old me back
Take away this pain
Give me a break

My tests came back normal
But I don't feel normal
I'm still having symptoms
Where is the end

It's forever
Yes, there's remission
Yet it's always there
Waiting to come again

I just want to sleep
Until it's gone for good
That won't happen
No matter how hard I try

What should I do?
It pains me to take pills
But without them
I'm so much worse

I hate this
I really do
I know I shouldn't
But that's the truth

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