That Girl

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I've been that girl
The one who loses herself
When she falls in love

I've been that girl
The one who fills her page
With pictures of him

I've been that girl
The one who loves him
Despite all his flaws

I've been that girl
The one who loses her mind
To finally have her chance

The thing nobody tells you
The thing you'll be sure to learn
Is that being that girl isn't worth it

It's not worth the pain
Of being verbally abused
His words burning like a fuse

It's not worth the time
That you'll wish you had back
The second he leaves for good

He's not worth it
He doesn't deserve it
Don't become that girl

Shortly after you lose it all
Your innocence and hope
You'll be asked to trust again

You'll ask yourself
If he's worth it
If this time is different

In my case
It wasn't different
And he was far from worth it

You see these things
When you look back later
After the damage is done

I wanted to be that girl
The one who has it all
A man who she can trust

It's hard to know
I'll never be that girl
For the pain was far too much

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