Chapter 29: Discovery

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Superheroes are never ordinary people.

They have the power to save entire towns from the rule of tyrants and the ability to spread hope to those without it.

It is a job that is by no means easy.

Being a hero means being a leader. You have to be ready to take charge and make calls that are risky and even downright dangerous.

It also means you have to make sacrifices. You have to be ready to throw yourself on the line to save the innocent, to save those who cannot fight for themselves.

But when your a superhero, it all comes down to doing what's right.

It comes down to fighting for what you believe in.

That's what Remi needed those around her to believe in too.

It had been foolish of her to ask her friends to do something so reckless, to do something that she too had condemned them for at some point.

But if she was going to figure out who truly was behind all of this, she needed their help.

And like hell they were going to let her do it by herself.

Blyke agreed, not wanting the pinkette to venture into this alone.

But when it came down to Isen and Arlo, the two boys were reluctant. 

Isen was terrified of going back out there; into the same field where he had witnessed a death.

Alana's murder had deeply scarred the teen, reminding him of just how fragile they could be, how one slip up could mean the end for them.

It scared him sh*t-less.

Remi sat down next to him, hands on his shoulders as she guided the pumpkin haired teen to look at her.

"Isen, I know you're scared. Believe me, I am too. But we need your help. No one can hack and track like you can. If we're going to get to the root of all of this EMBER nonsense, we need you to help us."

The teen shut his eyes tightly, images of Alana's dying gaze etched into his mind. 

He didn't want to see Remi like that too. He didn't want to see her or Blyke or anyone else lying there, dying and bleeding out on the street.

Which is why he eventually nodded his head.

As scared as he was, he knew if he also wasn't there that night, the pinkette would most likely be dead.

He took a shaky breath as he opened his eyes again. "Ok...I'll do it."

The girl smiled brightly, her smile somewhat contagious as Isen spared one back. It faded from her face however as she looked to the blonde who had now migrated to the corner of the room, blue eyes frozen and sharp.

Remi tried not to shiver under such a cold gaze.

She knew Arlo would be against helping them, especially after what she just proclaimed about his aunt. But if the now three teens had any chance of getting past Volcan and catching the culprits behind all these murders, they needed a god tier on their side. And out of the only three they knew, Arlo was the only viable candidate.

The girl started up but Arlo didn't even let her get a word out, holding a hand up to stop her.

" all the time that I've known you Remi...have I ever heard something so ridiculous and delusional leave your mouth." His voice was just as hard and cold as his gaze.

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