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A/N: HELLO EVERYONE!!! Wow, it's been awhile since this book has updated...sorry about that. ;-;

As promised, Fractured-UnOrdinary is returning soon! 

I plan on releasing the prologue on January 30th. For a schedule, I'm planning on doing one chapter every 1-2 weeks depending on some things. I will be taking breaks every once in awhile to help me space everything out or if I get overwhelmed. I will also be having someone beta reading them in case I need to edit or change some things around.

So, starting off, things are going to look and feel a tad different. You'll find that some chapters have been combined with others, merged, or scrapped all together. The plot will generally remain the same, but I have some new ideas I'm trying out and I can't wait for everyone to see them! ^^ The first few chapters are generally going to be more or less the same as before as I quite liked those chapters besides a few details. From there, things are going to change up a bit. >:3

Also, for anyone who did not see my announcements on my profile or on Reddit, Fractured will NOT be returning in this exact book. Due to popular demand, I was asked to keep this version of the story and make a new book so people could compare or visit the old one if they liked. The new one will be titled the same, but the title to this one will have an '(Original)' tag beside it and the other will have a '(Rewritten)' tag. Both will have the same cover art.

That reminds me, for anyone who gave me fan art that was already posted or not posted yet, it will still be re-posted in the new book! I'm going to sort out a chapter where it's nothing but art and I'll update it regularly.

Anywho, I think that's about it! Besides that, I'm working on some other side projects so if anyone wants to check those out for the time being, go on ahead. I have a couple of other mini stories in the works as well as a shipping book which should be out at some point. (Maybe Valentines day? Hopefully?)

Other than that, I'll see you all again really soon! 

Love ya guys! ^-^


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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