~My past has tasted bitter. For years now ~

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WARNING! THIS IS VERY EMOTIONAL GUYS!! The video above is the song , I'll be good by Jaymes Young listen to this song while reading please! Also I hit 1.56k reads! Thank u guys enjoy :D


Jack Johnson's POV~, This whole chapter is in Jack J's POV.

I can't believe I have no chance at all with Brianna now. I screwed up. I always do. I'm such a f*** up! I don't deserve this. I don't deserve to have a friend like Gilinsky. I don't deserve to be in MagCon. The fan girls are right. If you didn't know I get a ton of hate from the so called 'fans'. They all say they support me just so Gilinsky likes them. I've never told anyone, not even Gilinsky about the hate I get. I always put on a fake smile going around. At meet and greets I get threats straight to my face when Gilinsky isn't looking or the girls will completely ignore me and hug only Gilinsky. I know this sounds stupid, but that feels like a stab to my heart. Right now me and Gilinsky are riding in his jeep to the hotel. We left the hospital after Brianna and Matt went to get breakfeast.

'Earlier -In the hospital room, still Jack Johnson's POV-'

I watch as Matt leaves with the love of my life. I sigh and sit down in the chair by Matt's bed with my head in my hands.

"Dude", Gilinsky says looking at me shocked.

"Mmhmm?", I say into my hands.

"You don't just like her, you love her don't you?", he asks and I nod as a tear escapes my eye falling onto the cold white hosital floor. I feel two arms wrap around me. I look up confused and see Taylor hugging me.

"Sorry dude", he says with a sympathetic look. I don't need Taylor's pity. It'll only make me feel worse being in this family. I push him off and stand up.

"I'm fine", I say as I start to walk out of the room.

"Jack", I hear Gilinsky say as he grabs my wrist.

"When people say their fine that means their not", he says looking into my eyes. When I look into his eyes I see tears brimming in them. Great more pity for me. (Note my sarcasm)

"Stop Jack I'm OK seriously", (Ha lie) I say trying to escape his grasp. I couldn't.

"Bull f****** s***!", Gilinsky yells causing Nash, Taylor, and Victoria to jump from his sudden out burst.

"Gilinsky calm down!", Nash says and Gilinsky glares coldly at Nash.

"Can't you see Jack isn't OK! I'm not going to leave my bestfriend like this OK!? I've known him since kindergarten and he's like my brother Nash. You would never understand. We can tell when the other isn't fine and when Jack is hurt, I'm hurt because when he's hurt it's like one of my sisters are hurt. I feel it too and you know what I just want my bestfriend, no scratch that, I want my brother to be happy, so I'm so f****** sorry for caring!", he yells and Nash stares at him wide eyed.

'If only you knew that Brianna isn't the only reason I'm sad all the time now', I think to myself.

"Sorry Jack", Nash says looking down.

"What ever", Jack says. We all sit there in an uncomfortable silence now until I yawn.

'When's the last time I slept?', I silently ask myself. 

"Wanna go back to the hotel?", Gilinsky asks and I nod. I can't be here when Brianna and Matt get back. I can't face them right now. I quickly say bye to everyone and rush out of the room with Gilinsky on my tail. I stop dead in my tracks. Gilinsky hits my back on accident and says,

"Dude why'd you st...", he doesn't finish. He knows exactly why I stopped. Right now I'm standing in front of Matt and Brianna. Matt has Brianna pinned against the wall and she's giggling at him and kissing him. 

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now