~No I can't lift the weight~

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~Victoria's POV~
I absolutely love these fans. I've never been happier than I am now. Me and Brianna's dream's are now a reality. No less they ship #NashToria and #MatthewBri, (~A/N- OK so you see how Victoria doesn't realize Bri is really sad, Bri was a good hider and no one suspected she was getting hate until now~) The meet and greet was going amazing. All the fans were coming up and taking pictures, having us sign things, and said they love us. Half way through the meet and greet Brianna changed. She was suddenly really pale. 'Maybe she's just overwhelmed', I thought and went back to taking pictures. I mean she was still smiling and taking pictures with people so I thought nothing of it. Suddenly I hear Brianna's breath quicken and they were coming out shorter and heavier. Right as I look up I see Brianna take off running down the line of fans. Right out the door. I scream after her and so does the whole MagCon family. 'Why did she take off?'
~Nash Grier's POV~
This MagCon has to be the best one ever. I mean the fans are rowdier than normal and also Victoria and Brianna are here. Me, Matt, and Cam are all together for the meet and greet. As we are taking pictures with these thirteen year old girls we hear Victoria scream and I mean scream,
"BRIANNA!", and everyone looks at Victoria who is looking in the opposite direction really worried and confused. My eyes follow her own and I see what I least expected to see Brianna running as fast as she can out of the door. I yell her name and so does the rest of the MagCon family. It's to late though, she's already long gone out the door. I look at Matt who looks really concerned. He turns and looks at me.
"Do you know what just happened", he asks and I shake my head. Victoria runs over and Matt grabs her by the shoulders.
"What the hell just happened!?", he asks lowly.
"I-I don't know, I looked up and she took off running, also Matt loosen your grip please", she says and Matt looks at his hands that are squeezing Victoria's shoulders. He mumbles a short, 'Sorry' and looks like he's thinking.
"Do you know anywhere she could be?", I ask Victoria. She looks at me like I'm an idiot.
"Does it look like I would know, me and Brianna live in Florida Nash", she says clearly annoyed at that question.
"Oh, uh, yeah, that was a stupid quest..", I don't get to finish since Victoria cuts me off.
"The hotel!", she yells looking at the door she just ran out of.
"It's the only place me and Brianna know in San Francisco", I look at her.
"That's genius Vic!", I yell and Matt starts walking away.
"Matt where are you going?", Victoria and I ask at the same time. He looks at us like we're idiots.
"To get Bri", he says and keeps walking. Me and Victoria follow him back to the hotel.
"Wait guys", we hear behind us and we turn around to see the whole MagCon family looking at us confused along with all the MagCon fans.
"Want us to come?", Jack J. asks looking straight at Matt.
"No, uh stay here all of you with the fans, us three got this", Matt tells Jack and he nods. We decide to run to the hotel because Victoria said Brianna was really pale before she ran. That made Matt completely worried and he started running so we did too. What really sucks is Matt used to play football so he runs really fast. We finally got there about fifteen minutes later.
~Matthew Espinosa's POV~
Victoria made me freak out. She told me Bri was pale before she ran. 'Why though?', I keep asking myself. Victoria said she may have been overwhelmed as we were running, but something inside me screams that she wasn't and something happened. We all run up the stairs of the hotel to the third floor, where we're all staying.
"OK let me go in first and talk to her.", Victoria says as she gets her key out. Me and Nash nod as she is unlocking the door. She walks in and closes the door. 'Please Bri, be OK', is what keeps replaying in my head over and over again.
~Victoria's POV~
I walk into me and Brianna's room hoping she's in there. If she's not Matt will freak out. He already is though. When I walk in there's nobody there. I look in the first bathroom. Empty. I look over at the second one and walk to it slowly so she wouldn't hear me if she's in it. As I get closer I hear noise. She's in there. (~A/N- This is a very emotional part between Victoria and Brianna btw, just a heads up~), before I open the door I walk out to the hallway.
"She's in the bathroom", I say and Matt visibly relaxes.
"Can you guys please go back outside or something I wanna talk to her in private", I ask them and they both nod. As they're leaving Matt looks at me and says,
"Please tell me if something's wrong Victoria", he tells me and walks out. He really does care about her, even though he met her today. I walk into the room and close the door. I walk to the bathroom door and what I hear breaks my heart. Brianna's sobbing on the other side of that door. I gently knock on the door.
"Brianna, are you in there?", I ask knowing the answer already. No response.
"Brianna I heard you in there, please talk to me", I say hoping the door opens. It doesn't. All I get in reply is a, 'Go away'
"Brianna please at least tell me why you ran out", I say. With that the door opens. I gasp. Her eyes are super puffy and red, she's really pale, and shaking. I wasn't expecting her to be like this. I don't even know why she was crying.
"You wanna know why I ran out", she says coldly. I nod in response.
"Because everyone hates me", she whispers looking me straight in the eyes.
"No Brianna th....", I get cut off by Brianna screaming at me
"Yes they do, don't tell me they don't you have no idea Victoria, your just perfect aren't you, with everyone like,'Aw it's #NashToria, they're perfect together!'", then she breaks down crying. I look at her shocked that she said that to me.
"What the hell are you talking about, stop being such a jerk!", I yell back. She looks up and gives me the coldest glare, I can feel her eyes piercing through me. I have no clue why I said that.
"Yeah I'm a jerk oh OK, why are you wasting your energy sitting here yelling at me, go run off with your little boyfriend Nash", she screams back.
"What happened to you, what happened to our deal?" I ask. When me and Brianna were in seventh grade we swore that we would never fight with each other, we would have a friendship like Jack and Jack, and would tell each other everything. She looks at me and then looks sad.
"I don't now, why don't you ask all those fans you met in MagCon who just loves you", she coldly says. I'm actually mad that she's acting like this. I have no clue what she's talking about and she's making me look bad when I did nothing to her.
"You changed", I say and walk out of the room. I walk down the hallway and see Nash and Matt laughing at something sitting on one of the seats in the hallway. I walk over to them and they look at me concerned.
"Victoria why are you crying?", Nash asks and I wipe my face, I had no clue. I look at Matt and he looks like a bus hit him. He gets up and runs down the hallway. I look at Nash.
"Victoria why are you crying", Nash asks lighter this time walking over to me.
"Me and Brianna got in an argument", I whisper and Nash's arms instantly wrap around me.
"I'm so sorry", he whispers and I nod.
"Listen wanna stay in me, Cam, and Matt's room?", he asks and I nod.
"Thank you Nash, really", I say and he smiles grabbing my hand walking towards his room. 'I hope Brianna is OK'

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