Going back

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The next few days go by in a blur. Me and Jack have been spending our time on the beach whenever it's sunny and the hotel room when it rains. We've become a lot closer as well. Closer than me and Matt ever were.

Today's our last day on the Key's. It kinda makes me sad we gotta go back to Cali today and face everyone. I was enjoying no drama.

Right now I lay awake in bed. It's 8 a.m. and our flight is at 1 p.m. Jack's still sleeping next to me sprawled out. I watch his chest rise and fall as he breaths in and out. He's at most three centimeters away from my face, his hot breath hitting my lips.

I find myself staring at his lips. They look so soft. So... Kissable...

Snap out of it Brianna what's wrong with you?!

Seriously what is wrong with you? So you wanna kiss him. How is that wrong? You're single


No you're single now. Matt didn't care, so you found a guy who did. You think he doesn't want you?

After what I've done, yeah...

Are you oblivious? He's been staring at your lips the entire trip. You haven't seen the lipbites, how his eyes linger on you when you're walking away, He loves you no doubt. Remember him crying when you rejected him? Remember how he didn't kill himself because of you? You mean a lot to him, much more than you think... He even took you into his home and to the Key's. That's not something someone does for just a friend.

I take a deep breath and slam my head into my pillow. I like Jack. I like him a lot. And full force I'm just now realizing it. I'm realizing how I made the excuse of wanting to see the sunset in Malibu just so we could be alone for longer, how I said one room would be more convinent for money purposes. Let's face it Jack has a lotta money. Another room wouldn't even dent his fortune or mine. I made the excuse so I could be closer to him. I've been making excuses to be closer to him, and I'm just realizing why. I love him. Its been him all along. Even when I was with Matt I'd always be intrigued by Jack.

Jack turns so her lays basically on me. It's not uncomfortable though. His arms are around my waist and his heads in the crook of my neck. His hot breaths hit my neck and soft snores escape. He's out cold.

I let my fingers run through his silky hair, lightly brushing it back. I'm not good with relationships. Matt was my first. I was always awkward too.

My mind drifts to if me and Jack were to date. What would fans think. What would Matt think. What would the guys think. What would Victoria think?

Jack Johnson's POV

I wake up to Brianna running her fingers through my hair. I smile and open my eyes. She still thinks I'm sleeping so I take the opportunity to stare at her. She looks deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?", I ask. Her head snaps down.

"I didn't know you were up. And nothing really", I frown. I hate when she won't tell me things. Like in Malibu when she lied about what was bothering her. I could tell because when she lies her eyes turn a dark blackish color.

I decide not to push it.

"Hey wanna go out to eat??", I ask sitting up. She nods and smiles, "I'd like that"

We both shower (seperately you little nasty) and change out, hurrying to lunch. We bring our bags, since it is 10:30 already. We find a place nearby, on the water side.

"So you excited to go back?", I ask biting into the burger I ordered. She stares at her fries and shakes her head.

"No not one bit", she frowns.


"Because then I'll have to face Carter, Taylor, and Matt. They probably told everyone else and they hate me too. I'd rather stay here in the keys with you", she rants stiring a fry in ketchup.

"Me too. I know I'm gonna hear sh-t from everyone too", I groan.

"So the room arrangements for the next tour. I was put into a room with Matt", she sighs.

"I got put into one with Taylor, wanna switch that out when we get back? We could share", I suggest. She smiles and sighs graciously.

"Thank God", she mumbles chewing on her burger.

"We gotta leave in a half hour", she sighs.

"Just stay by me when we get back, I'll make sure you're okay, trust me", she smiles again and nods.

"Thank you Jack. For everything.", she whispers.

"It was no problem, you're a fun girl, not like Taylor on vacation who just whines about missing his mansion in LA", I roll my eyes and she laughs.

"Shady much?", she raises an eyebrow. I shrug. We pay for the meal and head back to the hotel to grab our things.

"Do you ever feel so happy you just wanna scream?", she asks. I laugh and turn to look at her. Currently we're on our flight back to LAX.

"Sometimes, why?"

"I don't know I'm just happy right now", she shrugs, "so what are we doing for New Year's?"

"Our family's are getting together, and all the guys.", I reply, "just a party basically nothing major", she nods and yawns resting her head on my shoulder.

"The only person I can tolerate out of everyone is G and Shawn at this point because they're not drama freaks like everyone else", she laughs. But it's a sad laugh because we know it's true. Everyone is turning into drama queens and it's annoying.

"Yeah same for me", I say. I get no reply so I look down. She lays on my shoulder sleeping peacefully. I smile and let myself sleep.

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now