~Matt, Jack, or Shawn? Nash or Taylor?~

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~Matthew Espinosa's POV~

Right now I'm really excited and really pissed. One MagCon is today, two I'm meeting Bri today, and three I see the look that Shawn and Jack J. give Bri and I really don't like it. Shawn even asked, no told me I like Bri. Now he's going to try and take her from me. Well he has no clue who he's dealing with.

~Jack Johnson's POV~

Finally MagCon's today. I'm so excited to perform me and Jack's new song's. Our fans are so supportive of us and it feels great going on stage performing our material for them. Also Brianna's here now. I know Matt likes her but I like her obviously more and I'm going to get her. Shawn likes her too. I figured that out after Matt glared at me, then Shawn. Three of us like a girl that we never even met and Matt is determined to get her before me or Shawn does.

~Shawn Mendes' POV~

MagCon's today! I'm beyond excited to perform 'Something Big' for every one. I've been leading up to this on Twitter and all my fans are so excited to hear it. I made a hash tag, #SomethingBigIsHappening and it's trending now. I hope that possibly I can get Brianna to sing it with me, or I can impress her with it and she'll go out with me. I'm still scared of how Matt will react. That glare he gave me, I can still feel his eyes burning into me.

~Brianna's POV~

I wake up hearing my alarm. Last week I changed it to Jack and Jack's new song, 'Cheat codes (feat. Emblem3)', I'm absolutely obsessed with song. I already learned Jack J's part. I'm pulled out of this thought by Victoria jumping on my bed.

"MagCon today!", she keeps yelling over and over. I smile but once again get that sinking feeling in my stomach but I try to ignore it. I get up take a shower. Once I'm done I realize I don't have any clue what to wear to MagCon.

'Victoria, what do I wear to Magcon?", I ask through the door.

"I don't know what I'm even gonna wear", she replies. I decide on black jeans, a white zip up jacket, a turquoise beanie and vans. I leave my hair down. Over this past year my hair is now down to my mid arm while Victoria's is a little below her shoulder. She always says it's to long and I look at her like, 'Nahh hunny'. I walk out and Victoria is showered and dressed, wearing a XXVI shirt and jeans, with black vans.

"How...?", I start and she cuts me off.

"There's another bathroom right there", she says laughing.

"Well aren't I dumb", I say laughing.


"YYAASS!", I scream back and she goes to high five me.

"Yeet!", I yell dodging her hand.

"Omg we have to leave now", she yells looking at the clock. She's right we have thirty minutes to get to the stage. I don't know if I can handle this because I keep getting this sinking feeling worse and worse plus I'm already a bit homesick. I've had this problem since I was very young. I don't take not being home well. I only got over this going over to Victoria's house because I knew her family like my own.

"Let me call my parents first", she nods and says she's going to do the same.

~Phone convo.-

Brianna- Hey mom, I just wanted to check in on you guys.

Mom- Hi, everything is fine here what about you?

Brianna- Great me and Victoria are meeting the eleven guys and one girl

Mom- Poor girl haha

Brianna- No the guys are really nice

Mom- that's nice to hear, hey I know you need to get to MagCon, thanks for checking in and have fun

Brianna- Alright, I will, bye mom

With that I hang up and walk out seeing Victoria bouncing off the heels of her feet waiting impatiently.

"Come on I'm ready", I say with a smile. To be honest I'm really excited, but I'm still nervous. I just keep reminding myself that they asked me and Victoria to go to MagCon not only one of us. We are a duo. I keep repeating this over and over in my head as we walk outside. When we walk out I see at least two hundred girls there. They all start saying our names when we walk out and I have a smile on my face. This time it's natural. Victoria and I were told we're meeting the guys right before MagCon. We get in the limo they have for us and sit down.

"Do you realize we are meeting Matt and Nash in less than ten minutes oh my god now I'm nervous!", she yells looking at me wide eyed.

"Trust me Nash is gonna love you, you act exactly like him", I tell her and then she makes a Puma face.

"ZZAAYYUUMM YYAASS GURL!", I laugh and look out the window. We're here. The limo slowly stops and I go to pay the driver only to have him tell me the ride is free but I insisted he kept the money anyway. We get out only to be greeted by hundreds of smiling fans yelling our names. We take pictures with as many of them as we can and sign there phonecases, hats, shirts, etc.

~Nash Grier's POV~

All of us get to MagCon finally. I love my fans they are all amazing. We get out of the limo and see all them gathered around calling our names. No they are calling our names and someone else's names. Brianna and Victoria. We look up and see them smiling and laughing with a group of fans. They're going to fit in fine with us. Jack and Jack's song 'Groove' is playing in the backround and Matt does his high pitched laugh. I look at him weird silently asing him why he's laughing and he points in the girl's direction. They're dancing like complete idiots to 'Groove' along with the fans. There's something familiar about Brianna, like I know her name. Like I knew it before she had vine or before the tweets me and Matt sent the girls. It's so familiar but why? I look at Matt and see him staring at Brianna. He fell in love with her. I know this because I give Victoria the same look he gives Brianna. I look over at Jack J. and he's also staring at Brianna the same way Matt did and Shawn is too. Wait what? Matt notices and gives them a cold piecing glare like in the room at the hotel. They both look down. I look over to Taylor and he's staring Victoria up and down. Oh heeellllllll nnnnaaaawwww! Sorry Taylor but she's mine.

~Matthew Espinosa's POV~

Bri's so beautiful. We finally got to MagCon and when all of us got out of the limo we saw Bri and Victoria dancing to 'Groove', laughing with the fans.One I realize we are wearing the exact same thing and two, we have the same laugh. I know it'll sound like I'm complementing myself but I love her laugh. I saw Jack J. and Shawn staring at her, so I gave them the coldest glare I could, making them look away. Good. She's mine. All mine, not theirs and I'll do whatever it takes to get her and they both know I will.

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now