Christmas Eve Day

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Johnson's P.O.V. (two days later)
I wake up to two bodies jumping ontop of me. I yell startled trying to push them off, but they don't budge. Before I have the chance to open my eyes, I hear her laughter.

Her laughter is like music to my ears, a beautiful melody playing in my head. I smile and finally open my eyes to see Brianna and G looking at me.

"Merry Christmas Eve!", they yell in synch. I laugh as I push myself up onto my elbows.

"Merry Christmas Eve guys", I say wiping to sleep from my eyes.

"Come on get outta bed you gotta flight to catch", Brianna reminds me rubbing my arm a bit. I instantly perk up from her simple touch by her soft fingertips, but then I realize that I'm leaving and I'm not going to see Bri for two weeks.

Me and G are going back to our hometown, Omaha for the two weeks that we're off from MagCon because of the holidays.

"Hey Bri, I forgot to ask, are you going home for Christmas?", I know that her relationship with her parents isn't to good, so my curiousity got the best of me.

My question's answered when her happy mood suddenly vanishes, her shoulders slouching, eyes looking at the wooden floor. G takes this as his que to leave, and walks out, giving me a sympathetic look.

"No, they uh, they said t-they h-hated me and not t-to come", my blood boils at the thought of her parents rejecting her. Her parents not caring for her. Watching how sad she gets because of them.

"So your staying here? Alone?", I ask incredulously. She nods her eyebrows furrowing, look of sadness dancing in her beautiful eyes. I shake my head looking up at her.

"Then I'm staying", I say. Her head pops up, big brown eyes wide like I just murdered someone.

"Jack no! You haven't seen your family in months! Or your brother! And it's Christmas, Christmas is all about being with family", she yells.

"But you are family...", I whisper, grabbing her chin with my pointer fingers looking into her eyes. Her features soften, eyes boring into mine full of question and... Happiness?

"You t-think of me as f-family?", she asks, tears swelling in the corners of her eyes. I grab her hand and smile.

"Yeah. Family is the people you love. The people that you couldn't live without. For me that's G, you, my friends, my parents and brother"

"Even if I am family to you I'm not allowing you to stay here and abandon your actual family that you barely see", she says sighing.

"How about you come with me? You know come to Omaha with me", I suggest.

"But I won't have any presents for anyone and no one knows me. I couldn't I'd feel like I was intruding"

"Uh I wouldn't say they don't know you", I say scratching the back of my neck. Truth is I've told my parents and friends everything about Brianna and everyone says the same thing, 'You love her'

Do I love her? Of course I do, I remember when she temporarily stopped breathing when that car hit her. My heart stopped, anxiety floeong through my veins threatening to break me.

I remember how when she woke up how relieved I was only to have that shattered when she admitted that she loved Matt. I remember the stabbing pain in my heart as I watched them kiss. I remember sitting in my shower sobbing wishing I was Matt.

I remember when I took her to Malibu just a couple days ago. The real reason I took her there was because I knew that was the night that Matt was going to cheat on her with Ellie.

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now