~If you catch me, I'll catch you~

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~ (A/N- Alright my young bucks story time :D. In my author notes I will start doing a daily update in case you didn't see all of your social medias and all that. That will be posted at the end of the chapter. :D all right let's go then..........
~Brianna's POV~
After my accident I had Matt cradling me in his arms carrying me to me and Victoria's room. He opens the door and gently sets me on the bed.
"Want me to stay?", Matt asks.
"Nah go hang out with the children", I say smiling and Matt lets out a laugh.
"Children?", he asks smirking.
"Come on Matt we both know Skylynn is more mature than all of the guys together", after I say that Matt and me start our laughing fit. I realized we do have the same laugh, mines just a bit different because of our voices.
"Alright Bri imma go then", Matt whispers and kisses my forehead.
"Goodnight Matt", I whisper back and Matt shuts my light off.
"Night Bri", with that I'm alone. I stare at the ceiling thinking. I realized I think a lot. Most of the time I think about my life. How I'm living it. If I'm happy. After Matt's little speech at MagCon the hate has went down. At least that's what Matt said. I have no phone still since Matt refuses to give it back. It's like he's a dad. I instantly think of Matt and Nash's video they did together. 'Daddy!', I start to laugh. It's crazy how my life changed so much in these past what three days? Meeting fans, getting a ton of hate, meeting Matt, meeting the whole MagCon family, breaking down, Matt's speech to the fans telling them to back off of me, getting into a car crash, dying for a minute, waking up to Matt saying he loves me, Nash and Victoria together, and most important me and my best friend since seventh grade living our dream together. I start to drift off with a smile. I feel like I'm apart of a second family.

~Nash's POV~
Me and Victoria go back to my room. Matt took Brianna back to her room. I still can't believe she died for a minute. It absolutely broke my heart seeing Matt the way he was. He was shoving, pushing, screaming, and crying at us to let him go to her. The words he said to me right as I let go still are replaying in my head.
'NO SHE'S NOT IMAGINE IT WAS VICTORIA YOU'D RUN TOO LET ME GO PLEASE NASH!!', Matt screamed at the top of his lungs. He sounded like a part of him was gone and that's why I let go. He's right. I would run too. I love Victoria so much.
"Nash! Hello!", I hear two voices say. I look over and see Cam and Victoria sitting there looking at me confused.
"What?", I ask.
"Dude you've been spaced out for an hour", Cam says laughing with Victoria.
"Ohh OK", I say.
"Imma go to sleep cuz ZAYUM it's 12 and I'm tired", Cam says face planting on his bed.
"Hey uh can I stay?", Victoria says. Matt hasn't come back so I guessed he stayed with Brianna. I nod and she goes onto Matt's bed. She instantly falls asleep. The door opens a few minutes later and Matt walks through.
"Umm?", Matt questions looking at his bed.
"Go to Brianna's room she's sleeping there", I say.
"Fine kick me outta my own room", he says laughing and grabs some clothes walking out. I know this is creepy but I just stare at Victoria for a while and eventually fall asleep happy that she's mine now.
~Matt's POV~
So Nash kicked me out of my own room so Victoria could sleep on MY bed. I walk back to Bri's room and gently knock. After a minute the door opens and Bri is looking at me wide eyed.
"Hey uh what are you doing here?", she asks.
"Victoria's sleeping in our room so Nash kicked me out", I say and she smiles and pulls me into her room.
"Uhh if you want you can sleep in my bed or Victoria's", she says plopping down on her own bed. I swear she didn't just get in a car accident today. She looks fine. I lay on Victoria's bed and face myself toward her and she does the same.
"Listen Bri I'm sorry for everything you have to go through, I mean your seventeen and you have all of this happening", she smiles at me.
"Matt you know it's not your fault thank you though you saved me Matt", she whispers back.
"Bri it's no prob....", I get cut off by her.
"No Matt it's just you saved me when I was thirteen years old. I followed your vine when you had 112 followers, I was there from the absolute first video of you in your friends basement. I kept watching your videos and got excited when I saw you posted one. I was always the weird anti-social one in school. I wouldn't show who I am, I hid and then I met Victoria and she likes Nash right? So I tell her I like you and we became best friends. We would always wonder if we could go to MagCon one day so we made vine and did remakes of your guys videos and made our own and got more and more popular over social media. If I never saw who you were, I would never be here at MagCon today, I'd still be the weird quiet kid in school, with no friends" ~ (A/N- OK I'm just saying this is so true, besides the point of being in MagCon which I obviously am not in.) ~
"Bri you have no clue how much that means to me. I had no clue I changed anyones lives like that. Really thank you, you have no clue how that effects me", I say in amazment. She smiles.
"Night Mattchu", she whispers and I smile.
"Mattchu?", I ask.
"Well I don't know you call me Bri so I made a nickname", I just smile and shake my head.
"Night Bri", with that I drift off with a smile.
~Brianna's POV~
I sit there awake staring at my ceiling. I look at the clock. 2:10 a.m. The only noise filling the room is Matt's light snores which I find adorable. I can't sleep and it's freezing. I get up and walk to Matt. I have no clue what I'm doing I just want to hug Matt for some reason.
"Matt", I whisper and shake him a little. He grunts and swats my hand. I lean down and kiss his nose. His eyes open confused.
"Bri?", he whispers.
"What time is it?" he asks and I point at the clock.
"Why are you up?", he whispers and then I realize he has a morning voice and my god the feels haha.
"Insomnia and cold", I say. Matt sighs, sits up and takes his MagCon jacket off. I stare because Matt has a six pack like is he trying to kill me? He puts the jacket over my head and it's to big so he smiles.
"Beautiful", he whispers and I smile looking down blushing. Matt gets up suddenly and grabs me bridle style.
"What are you doing?", I ask and he lays me down on my bed, then he plops down on the other side.
"Helping us sleep", he says smiling. Then he grabs me and pulls me into him. May I mention once again he is shirtless haha. Now I'm lying with my head in the crook of Matt's neck, his arms wrapped around my waist, mine around his torso, our legs entwined. This feels so right, right now. I feel something slip into my hand. I look down and Matt gently is holding my hand. I smile lean up and kiss his nose.
"Thank you Matt", I say and he just smiles.
"I love you Bri", he whispers kissing my nose.
"I love you Matt", I whisper back and we both drift off to sleep a smile in each of our faces.

~ (A/N- So my young bucks hoped you enjoyed :D daily update now-
~-Daily Update 1/4/15- Alrighty then nothing much really happened online, Nash had a vine video with the Jack's, also a follow spree which I assume is over now. Otherwise the boys just had some tweets and posts all day. So ya didn't miss anything major. The only thing major ~Skate, Jack, and Jack are making the 'Like That' music video. They had a YouTube video yesterday too so if you want here's there YouTube 'JackandJackVideos' :D~

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang