~Who am I?~

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~Matthew Espinosa's POV~

I'm running towards Bri's room really worried. Victoria was crying when she walked out. Now I know that something happened. I don't even knock on the door I walk right in.

"Victoria please go away", I hear her say. I look around the room and then I see her. She's in a ball on the side of the bed on the floor crying.

"It's not Victoria", I gently say. Instantly she opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Oh my god", she whispers locking her hands on her eyes. I walk over to her and crouch down to her level.

"Bri what happened?", I whisper in a very gentle tone hoping she'll tell me. When she doesn't answer I grab her arms very lightly and slowly pull them down from her eyes.

"Matt stop I don't want you to see me like this", she whispers but doesn't stop me from moving her arms.

"You can have red puffy eyes, a pale face, and be shaking, and still be more beautiful than any girl to me", I say making her look me in the eyes by lifting her chin. What I said is completly true to me though. To me, Bri is still more beautiful than any girl in the world.

"You don't have to lie to me Matt, I'm a mess", she says as another tear rolls down her cheek. 

"Your right, you're a mess Bri, but that doesn't mean I can't see the beauty under it", I tell her as I wipe the tear on her face away. As I'm about to move my hand back down she puts her hand over mine holding it against her face.

"Why do call me Bri? Everyone else calls me Brianna", she asks me.

"I call you that because it makes me special for being the only one to call you that. I can call you that right?", I ask. She smile for a second and nods. But as fast as that smile appeared, it was gone. I think of something to cheer her up.

"You know we never had those pangles?", she lets out a little giggle and smile.

"You know you say the wrong things at the wrong time?", she asks still smiling.

"Yeah I know but I'll say anything at the wrong time any time to see that smile of yours or hear that adorable giggle you just did, now please tell me what happened between you and Victoria? You don't have to tell me anything if you don't  want to, I won't pressure you", I say, I really don't want to pressure her. She takes a deep breath and nods her head at me.

~Brianna's POV~

After me and Victoria fought. She walked out. 'Did I really change?', I keep asking myself. I realized how much of a jerk I was and all because I'm jealous of her. I fall to the floor on the side of my bed and cry. The door opens and I thought it was Victoria but it ended up being Matt. He crouches on the side of me and starts telling me I'm beautiful when I look like a wreck, I didn't believe him but when he looked straight into my eyes and told me again I did. After that he doesn't tell me to he asks me to tell him what happened and says I don't have to. I take a deep breath and nod my head. Matt suddenly wraps his arms around me pulling me into his side. And I gasp not expecting it.

"When ever your ready", he whispers resting his head on top of mine. I can't breath again. Matthew Espinosa is holding me in his arms. I start telling him. I can trust him like I trust Victoria or my parents.

"Can I start from the beginning of it all when you first tweeted me?", I ask. 

"Yeah", Matt whispers into my ear sending chills down my spine. (~A/N- OK this is Brianna's whole story of how all the hate started up til now~)

"When you first tweeted me I was so happy Matt, you honestly have no clue. After that I gained a lot of followers on Twitter, over four thousand. Victoria did too because of Nash's tweet to her. We decided to start making vines on our accounts. We would share them on Twitter and we started getting more loops for them. We both decided to make a vine account like Jack and Jack, you know a dual account. We got really big and as you know we got to MagCon. We were both so happy and the fans even made up #NashToria and #MatthewBri. I loved it until one day someone commented to, 'Back off Matt or else', you know it was one measly comment so I shook it off. Soon I started getting more and more..", I feel a tear run down my cheek and a hand instantly brushes it away. I look at Matt and he starts rubbing my arms up and down to calm me, then he looks at me sympathetically.

"Victoria had no clue about them. I started getting a feeling in my stomach, it was like a sinking feeling. I would get it everytime I checked my Twitter or vine. I don't know why I would check it, I'm an idiot. As MagCon was getting closer Victoria was getting more and more excited and I was getting more and more stressed and nervous to meet you and all the fans. I got here and I was trying to be happy but I couldn't. I checked Twitter and then I was getting death threats from everyone since I was even closer to you. Then I met you and that was the only time I forgot and was happy.", with that he looks at me wide eyed.

"I made you forget all of that?", I nod and Matt hugs me harder which I do too.

"After I met all the guys, it was time for the meet and greet. That sinking feeling I told you about. It got bigger and bigger. At first the fans were happy and saying they shipped us, you know, then all of a sudden one comes up threatens me and all of them do too...", I get cut off by Matt.

"You got scared and ran didn't you?", he whispers and I nod.

"Bri I'm so sorry, you should have told me sooner. I'd protect you.", he whispers into my ear.

~Matthew Espinosa's POV~

"Bri I'm so sorry, you should have told me sooner. I'd protect you.", I whispered to Bri. I look at her and she looks confused.

"How would you do that?", she asks.

"I don't know I guess I'd tell every person off who did threaten you", I say looking at her with a shy smile. 'How does this girl do this to me?'

"Matt why do you care so much? We met today", she asks looking down.

"You know I feel like I've known you forever though, we're exactly the same, we even dressed exactly the same.", I say and I see a small smile.

"There's that beautiful smile I was talking about", I whisper looking her in the eyes. Bri's phone suddenly starts buzzing like crazy and before she looks at it I take it from her.

"What's you passcode?", I ask.

"Your birthday.", she replies and I smile. I look at her notifications for Twitter and tears start running down her face. Then my own. She wasn't kidding. There are so many threats that it's not even countable.

"I told you Matt, they hate me.", she whispers and her voice cracks. I take her phone and shut it off.

"I'm not letting you look at this anymore, that's not a question, I'm telling you", I say feeling pissed my fans would stoop so low and do this. She looks at me shocked and nods. I put her phone in my pocket and then I hug her. I feel her tears on me but that's the last thing on my mind.

"You're so beautiful, never listen to those people, their just jealous of you trust me. This tells me who my real fans are now, the ones who stick up for you. The ones who ship us", I whisper brushing her hair with my fingers. Before long I hear soft snoring. I look down and realize she also sleeps like me. Her mouth is open, she's has her hands under her head which is on my chest, and lightly snoring. I grab her bridle style and lay her down on her bed covering her with the blanket. I look at her for a second. I wish she could see how beautiful she is to me. I'm about to leave but I look at her and she looks so stressed but so peaceful at the same time. She shouldn't be alone right now so I lay down on the other side of the bed and turn so I'm facing her. I know I should go to MagCon but I'm still really pissed at all those people. victoria and Nash are probably together now since she was upset too. I slowly start drifting off.

"Goodnight Bri", I whisper even though she's asleep.The last thing I see before I fall asleep is a small smile on her face and a soft, 'goodnight Matt', before I fall  asleep

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now