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Jack Johnson's P.O.V.
Me and Brianna board the plane together. Luckily our seats were right next to each other. We sit next to each other and Brianna fidgits around. I grab her shoulder laughing.
"Calm down angel", she turns smiling at me.
"I'm just really excited", she exclaims. I smile and grab her hand in mine. When she doesn't protest or pull away I intwine my fingers with hers.
She grips my hand and plays with my fingers. She's honestly so cute.
"What are we gonna do first when we get there?", she asks peaking up at me through hooded lashes. I shrug honestly not knowing.
"Maybe we could head to the beach since it's only 4 a.m. right now", she nods and looks out the window.
She yawns and leans back in her seat.
"Tired?", she nods turning so she faces me, "very"
"Go to sleep I'll wake you up when we land", she nods and closes her eyes.
"You may now depart he plane", is he first thing I hear when I wake. I open my eyes and yawn.

"Bri", I murmur in her ear. She lays on my chest, her golden waves of hair falling in curtains over both of us. She looks so content, so peaceful in my arms. This is how she should be.

When she doesn't respond I lean down and press a kiss to her cheek. She fidgits around and her eyes flutter open. She settles her eyes on me and a small smile appears on her cherry red lips.

"Hey", she whispers. I smile back and rub her back.

"We gotta go", I tell her. She nods and pushes off of me. Well I was kinda enjoying her laying on me but alright. She stands up and grabs my carry on handing it to me. I yawn once more and give her a weak smile.

We depart the plane walking side by side so our elbows touch. I call an uber since we have no transportation.
We got to our hotel and Bri plops on the bed. We have to sleep in the same room because all the other rooms were taken. I drop my carry on and fall ontop of Brianna. She yelps in suprise and tries shoving me off.

"Jack!", she yelps laughing. I smile and rest my head in the crook of her neck, pressing a small kiss on the skin.

"Wanna go to the beach now?", I question. She nods against me and runs a hand through my hair.

"Your hairs really fluffy", she laughs. I laugh and run my hand through her hair mirroring her action.

"Alright let's go", I say pushing off of her.

Brianna's P.O.V.
I get to the bathroom with my bathing suit and suddenly get very nervous. I accidentally grabbed my two piece bathing suit instead of the one piece I always wear and now I feel self coucious. I take my clothes off and quickly change onto the two piece. Once I'm done I stare at my reflection in distaste. I'm way to fat for this. (A/N- Brianna's very skinny actually) I frown and try to suck my stomach in. When that doesn't work I give up and walk Out. Jack's already changed and ready to go. His eyes find mine and he smiles. But just as quickly as he smiles it disappears when he looks at me body.

I knew it I'm ugly. He walks up to me slowly and I look at the floor. His hands find my waist and he tugs me towards him. I look up in suprise and he smiles light hearted.

"You are by far the most gorgeous girl I have ever layes eyes on. Everything about you is just so perfect", I blush a dark red and shake my head.

"No I'm not I'm fat", I protest. He rolls his eyes and kisses my cheek.

"Come on lets go", he smiles tugging me out the door. The beach is literally right outside our hotel making it easy acess.

We get there and Jack runs into the water with me. I plunge under, relishing in the warmth of the salt water cascading down my body. Jack mirrors me, running his fingers through his hair.

"Man I'm so glad its just us here", Jack says. I look at him realizing all of a sudden how close we stand. His chest practically is touching mine.

"Me too", I whisper, "No drama. No pain. Just me and you.", he smiles slightly and his eyes dart to my lips. My heart beats so fast it hurts. He rests a hand on my cheek and leans just a little bit foreward. On instinct my eyes close just a little. But then he stops.

"You uh. Y-you had sand on your cheek sorry", he says looking at the ground. I frown. Is it bad I wanted him to kiss me?

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now