~Matthew Grier, Nash Espinosa~

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~Previous Chapter~

"On my Twitter notifications it says.........."

~Brianna's POV~

"@TheMattEspinosa- Aww I love u too beautiful really thank u for ur support @TheBriEspinosa_ P.S. I love ur username too ;)"

I scream and so does Victoria, I think Nash responded too. I look at her and she nods telling me he did. Both of our idols responded to us. Mash saw us! The whole night we are fangirling over Nash and Matt. We even make a ton of vines. At least thirty.

~Line break, morning time~

I wake up to my alarm song playing. I decide not to shut it off though and I start rapping Jack Johnson's part and Victoria joins in singing Gilinsky's part. When the song is over we high five. We really are like Jack and Jack, we are a duet not a solo. (A/N sorry but OMG I loved that part) We both get up and get dressed. Since it's really cold out I wear my ME (Matthew Espinosa) hoodie, jeans, and a pair of blue vans. Victoria is wearing a Nash Grier hoodie, jeans, and black vans. We both walk out with huge smiles plastered to our faces.

"Morning girls, what's with the smiles?",my mom asks. Me and Victoria look at each other and reply with a simple, "Nothing", and my mom looks at me with her knowing, 'Really', look but she brushes it off. We eat pancakes and bagels for breakfast. My brother walks out and looks at me and Victoria funny.

"And you call me weird for eating pizza?", I look at him and smile.

"Its pangles bro, want some?", I ask. He looks at me funny, probably the fact that I said pangles. You see pangles go back to when me and Victoria were in seventh grade when we were tweeting back and forth talking about Matt, bagels, walruses  and pancakes. Victoria suddenly tweeted pangels and it sort of caught on since then. My brother shakes his head and tells me he is hanging out with his friends in a few minutes. Me and Victoria finish our pangles and go inside.

"Wait you never told me what your tweet said", Victoria says looking at me. I tell her and she yells,"MatthewBri is ment to be!", I can't help the smile on my face when she said that.

"What did Nash say?", I ask really curious. She hands me her phone and I read it.

"@NashGrier- Thank u so much bae my god u say ur in FL but I gotta ask, u got a bae or nah? @victoria_grier_"

"Omg", I say half laughing at Nash. Our phones suddenly blows up and we look at each other and check our Twitter notifications. 42,000 Rt's for Matt's tweet to me, 43,000 Rt's for Nash's tweet to Victoria. 4,000 new followers for me and Victoria each, and over 1,000,000 people fav'd it. Our jaws drop down and we are speechless. Suddenly vine goes crazy and we see we have 100,000 loops each and that Matt liked my vine and Nash liked Victoria's. We are fangirling so hard now and I can't hide the smile that is on my face. We end up posting a ton of remakes of vines and tweet a lot + a follow spree for the fan accounts like ours. I know this is only the beginning of everything.

~One year later~

Exactly one year today is the day Matt and Nash tweeted us. Me and Victoria had gotten a lot of follows and views on vine it was amazing. We made a whole new account Bri&Vic and started videos similar to the Magcon boys videos. A lot of people liked them and we gained a ton of followers. We followed a ton of them back since they were fan accounts. In total we have 9,956,725 views now. We have 1.2 million followers. Me and Victoria have no clue how this even happened. Without Nash or Matt's tweet to us we would have never gotten big on vine like this.

~Victoria's POV~

I am so happy. Today is the day that me and Bri got a tweet from Matt and Nash. It is also the day that we started making tons of vines and a account for both of us, like Jack and Jack's account. We are so happy too, knowing over 1.2 million people know us. I go over to Bri's house and knock on the door. When she answers she has a Püma face on and I can't help but laughing.

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now