~Duet Not Solo~

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~Brianna's POV~
Right now me and Victoria are walking to baggage claim and grabbing our bags. After we have them we call over a taxi and tell the driver the address of the hotel. After what feels like eternity we arrive. I am so nervous to meet the guys. What if they don't like us? What if Matt doen't like me? Thinking about this gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach. I can't screw this up. Me and Victoria open our car doors and grab our luggage in the trunk. Me and Victoria split the pay for the driver. As we are walking I'm the door a girl comes up to us.
"Hey I know your about to settle in but I love you so much, I knew you were going to make it", we both thank her and check in.
"Room 256", the girl says. She's pretty, she has brown long hair and brown eyes. We walk up the stair and I feel the sinking feeling get deeper and I'm not liking it at all.
"You OK?", Victoria asks looking concerned.
"For sure man", I reply, a complete lie.
~Jack Gilinsky's POV~
All twelve of us are walking around the hallway of our hotel since Magcon is tomorrow. As we are walking we hear a girl's voice.
"You OK?", it says.
"For sure man", the other girl replies. I can't help the smile I have. We walk around the corner and see the new Magcon girls were the one's saying that.
"Jack Johnson's POV~
After seeing the two new Magcon girls I have the sudden realization of how beautiful Bri is. Her long dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. Wait Johnson snap out of it she likes Matt and I think he likes her.
~Matthew Espinosa's POV~
When we all hears those voices we walked toward them realizing they were the new Magcon girls. Bri is even more beautiful than in her videos. She has long dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and is about 5'5. She looks so nervous that it is adorable. I can't wait to meet her.
~Nash's POV~
The girl in front of me is beautiful. She has wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and is about 5'3½. I look at Taylor who is staring at her too. Sorry Taylor but she's mine.
~Taylor Caniff's POV~
The girl in front of me is wow. She is breathtaking. I realized she is one of the new Magcon girls. To the right of her the other girl is shaking. Victoria is trying to calm her down but it isn't working.
~Victoria's POV~
We are finally at the hotel. The only problem is Brianna is freaking out majorly. She's literally shaking. She drops her bag and slids down the wall breathing heavy.
"What if Matt or the Jack's or any of them hate me?, What if these people hate me and love you?, what if..", I cut her off.
"Remember you said we are like Jack and Jack, a duet not a solo?", she nods.
"Exactly if they don't like you I don't like them. I would never leave you alone", she thanks me and gets up with a natural smile.
~Matthew Espinosa's POV~
It broke my heart hearing Bri think thay way because I think the same way. I look at how those girls stick together and how close of friends they are, it reminds me of Nash, Cameron, and I. She is still so beautiful. I look over and Jack J. is giving her a look I don't like. Does he like her? Better not, we are pangle buddies. I see Nash and Taylor looking at Victoria then each other glaring. Did four of us fall in love? If we did I fell hardest.

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now