Battle Scars

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Bri looks like she's going to break any second so I pick her up bridal style in my arms. She doesn't attempt to stop me so I just start walking out of the room with her small delicate body in my arms. Gilinsky opens the door for me with a sympathetic smile. I just walk past him and down the hall. Of course Matt is in the hall......
"Hey babe, did you and J have fun?... What happened?!", he asks concern washing over his face. I glare right at him as Bri hides her face in my chest.

"Bri?", he asks coming closer.

"F*** off f***ing a**hole", I glare right through him and he looks at me in shock.

"What the h*** got into you J?", he asks.

"Don't play f***ing dumb Espinosa, you cheated on her you b****! Never talk to her again, you're done", I spit at him. His face instantly drains color and his eyes widened.

"She saw you, she trusted you, and you broke her heart. Don't talk to her for a while you douche", I whisper the last part and walk away with Bri tucked into my arms, as Matt sits with his jaw wide open. I walk down the stair and out to my convertible with Brianna. I put her in the passanger seat and buckle her in, then I walk around to the drivers seat to get in.

I start the car, the comfortable silence that hung over us before is gone, replaced with a dark, gloomy feeling. We drive in complete silence, the only sound that can be heard is the light rumbling of the car engine. I pull up to the place I told Bri we'd go. I park the car and take the keys out of the ignition.

Bri lightly sniffles and looks up.

"J-Jack this i-is beautiful", she whispers in a small sob. Matt really hurt her and I'm going to make sure he never lays a finger on Bri ever again.

I ended up taking Brianna to the place I go when I'm sad or need to clear my mind. It's near a cliff and it has a huge maple tree that the leaves hang over the car, but it still has a clear view of the horizon and all the stars. Below the cliff is the ocean.

"W-why'd you t-take me h-here?", she asks. I pull up the middle console that turns into a seat. She watches my every move with a questioning look on her face. What are you doing? Why are we here?

I take off my seatbelt and scoot over to her. She looks up at me and even with tears soaking her eyelashes and cheeks, she's still the most breathtaking girl I've ever layes eyes on.

"When I'm sad or feel lost and scared, I drive here. And I sit here for a while clearing my head. No one knows about it besides me", I say wrapping an arm around her body. She leans her head onto my shoulder and un-clicks her seatbelt.

"Why'd you tell me then?", she asks, voice calmer.

"Well I saw you were about to break down and I didn't want anyone to see that, because it's not there business or place to be in", I admit scratching the back of my neck.

"Jack?", she asks in a small weak voice. It sounds so broken and scared it makes me hold her waist tighter in my grip and frown.

"I-is it okay to cry sometimes?", she asks voice cracking slightly. I look to my side. She looking straight ahead face face trying so hard to make the sick illusion that she's fine, but failing as she's on the brink of breaking.

"Yeah. Yeah it's okay. We're only human and every human breaks at one point. It's okay, you can break in front of me. I broke in front of you already, so go ahead I won't judge you I promise", I whisper in her ear. She looks at me with a look I can't place.

"Pinky promise?", she asks. I nod locking my pinky with hers. The memory of sitting in my room with Matt, Jack, and Bri flashes in my mind when we pinky swore we'd be there for each other.

Next thing I know Brianna's sobbing next to me. My heart shatters at the girl who breaks next to me. I wrap both of my arms around her small frame and pull her onto my chest. I rub her back to comfort her and let her cry into my chest. I notice she's still wearing my jacket and that would make me smile, if she wasn't crying her heart out.

"W-why w-would he d-do that!?", she screams in a sob.

NOTHING is worse than holding the girl of your dreams in your arms as she breaks down because the guy who wasn't you and was dating her that she loved hurt her so bad.

"He's an a**hole Bri. You're perfect and don't deserve an a**hole like Matt", I whisper stroking her hair.

"Y-you think I-I'm perfect?", she asks looking up at me with a soft expression and tears rolling down her cheeks. Blue eyes meeting hazel ones.

"You have no f***ing clue how undeniably perfect you are. Ever with tears rolling down your cheeks you're still the most breathtaking girl I've ever seen. The way you laugh, the way you smile. The way your eyes light up, the way you lighten the room. The way you sing and rap, the way you dress. Every tiny detail about you is perfect. If there's no such thing as perfect, then you're as close as it can get. Whenever I see you I just want to see that beautiful smile. Those eyes light up. I just want to hear your adorable laugh. You're the definition of perfection in my eyes. And to me you're worth the world. You deserve everything and anything you desire. You don't deserve to be heart broken and sad. You deserve to laugh and smile. You're amazing and screw what haters say. Never change who you are for someone, because you are amazing just as you are baby girl, I whisper in her ear. She looks at me and smiles. That beautiful angel shining through the dark monsters.

"Thank you Jack. For everything. For bringing me to Malibu, telling Matt off, bringing me here, saying what you did, and just being there for me when I wasn't for you", she says looking at me. I just pull her into a hug.

We sit there for a while in silence.

"Bri?", I ask. I don't get a response. I look down and smile. She's sleeping. I grab the blanket I keep in the back of my car. I open it up and cover me and Bri. I hold her tightly in my arms and whisper,

"Goodnight angel", into her ear. Just as I'm about to fall asleep I hear her whisper back a,

"Goodnight Jack", and I smile at the angel one more time before falling into a deep sleep.

Hello geese.
Aww Bri and J dbxjdjxkdjxidn

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now