Save me from everyone..

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Brianna's pov-
I wake up with a soft blanket resting over me and light snoring.

Memories of last night flash through my mind like a video tape on fast forward. I frown thinking about Matt and what he did but, I find myself  smiling like an idiot thinking about Johnson. He made everything seem okay even though it wasn't and didn't judge me because I broke down.

I slowly open my eyes and look around. My head's resting on Jack's chest and his arms are wrapped around my waist. His jacket is pulled up slightly exposing a little bit of my waist

The bad thing about this, is me and Matt would lay like this all the time, but I'm way more comfortable and feel way safer with Jack holding me.

Because you love him....

Please don't start this now

You and Matt are done, he obviously didn't love you, I mean who would?

I look at Jacks chest as tears threaten to fall. Sometimes I really hate my mind.

Because I'm right. You picked the Wrong One. How does that song go? 'You know how it goes when you fall for the wrrronnnggg onneeee'


To distract myself I look up at Johnson and study his features as he sleeps.

Pale skin with a small brownish birthmark or a freckle beneathe his eye I'm not sure. He has long black eyelashes and impossibly soft dirty-blonde hair that falls slightly to the side. His mouth is slightly parted as he lets out short shallow breaths, chest falling up and down beneathe me with each breath. His jaw's locked like he's mad at something.

But what?



Oh come onnnnnn. He loves you so so much. It hurts him seeing you with Matt. Then you come crying to him with your relationship problems and expect him to be like 'oh it's okay to cry baby girl'? He's warned you about Matt and you ignored him. This is all your fault  if you'd listen to him before you and Jack would be dating now and you'd never have been hurt.

Instantly I find myself remembering when Jack warned me about Matt.

Flashback: (this wasn't written in a previous chapter, this is something that happened when Matt and Brianna first started dating and they found out J liked Brianna)
"Bri can I talk to you?", I look up from my phonescreen at Jack who sits leaning against my doorframe.

"Yeah sure come in", I say patting the side of my bed that's empty. He walks up to me and sits down looking uneasy, pale cheeks paler than normal.

"J what's up? You look like you've seen a ghost", he look up at me, blue eyes shining with uncertainty.

"Listen this isn't going to be easy to tell you but I need to warn you about Matt", he starts looking at his fingertips.

"Warn me about Matt? What's wrong with Matt?", I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"I'm not sure if this is 100% true, but I over heard Matt talking to Ellie on the phone last night....", I sit up now, my full attention on Jack. Why would Matt's ex call?

"I wasn't supposed to be listening, but I heard him flirting with her and I'm pretty sure I heard him saying they'd meet up at his hotel room the next time you go out", I look at Jack like he's grown three heads.

"You're insane Jack, there's no way", I say to him shaking my head.

"Brianna I wouldn't lie to you.", he whispers lowly into my ear leaning towards me. I shiver and shake my head.

I'm about to say there's no way that'd happen but I'm cut off my Matt walking in.

I look at Johnson with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Did Matt really say that? Or is Johnson lying to me?
Flashback over

I look at Jack now. I really wish I listened to Jack when he first told me. I remember clinging to Matt for over a week and that constant uneasy feeling in my stomach every time Matt would leave somewhere.

Now I know Jack wasn't lying to me. And Matt's a huge douche. I sigh dropping my head so it hits Jack' chest with a little 'thud'

"I'm sorry", I whisper, even though he won't be able to hear me. Tears swell in ny eyes. Jack was protecting me and I was just a b*tch to him.

"Sorry for what?", Jack asks rubbing my shoulder to comfort me. I lift my head, meeting his perfect eyes.

"I was an idiot. You warned me about Matt and I ignored you. I acted like a b*tch to you", Jack shakes his head a sad smile tugging on his lips. His hands reach up holding each side of my face. He gently wipes the tears away from my eyes.

"You were in love", is the only thing he says. I cock my head to the side, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, silently asking 'so?' He seems to notice my confusion so he elaborates.

"You loved Matt since you were thirteen Brianna. You trusted him since you were thirteen. So you believed he would never cheat on you or hurt you, which I would to if I was in your place.", I nod still feeling guilty.

"You know it's almost christmas?", Jack says changing the subject. I've been so busy that I forgot about Christmas.

Jack Johnson's P.O.V.

When I say Christmas Brianna's eyes shine with happiness. I smile at how cute she can be.

"It is! I forgot oh my god!", she smiles. I chuckle sitting up. I didn't realize that Brianna was still on my lap unil now, and now that I'm sitting up she's straddling me. I look down at her legs that are wrapped  around my waist, our bodies being impossibly close to each other.

Her eyes follow mine and her cheeks turn a dark shade of red in embarrassment.

"I-uh i-I uh s-sorry I I'll get u-up", she says starting to move. My heart beats faster, panic rising in me.

Don't let her get away again!!, my mind yells. So I reach forward, grabbing her hands, forcing her to stay on top of me. She  looks at me with wild eyes. Her normal hazel eyes blown wide bright hazel green. Confusion and bewilderment.

I smile, lovingly and move one of my hands to her jaw, lightly rubbing the soft skin with the pad of my finger. Her skinny arms are wrapped around my neck lightly pulling the blonde hairs on my neck.

I don't know how long we sit in this position. Staring deep into each others eyes like we are the only people in the world. This is how it should be. Me and Bri. Bri and me.

"We s-should probably get back to the hotel", she whispers. I nod and reply with a 'yeah', but neither of us move. I look down at her lips, so plump and beautiful. Pink and well kissable. Before I can stop myself I'm leaning forward.

She stares at me, innocent eyes wide with uncertainty as I lean forward. I'm almost afraid she's going to reject me until she replicates my action, leaning forward, all uncertainty leaving her eyes. The whole time we don't break eye contact. Hazel eyes on blue eyes. I move my hands down to her waist again, pulling her body as close as possible, the minimal space between us so delicious and so dangerous.

A spill of gasoline, ignited by a flame. So dangerous, but I couldn't care less. This is the girl I've loved since I first saw her. This is the girl I've cried over. This is the girl I've felt so much passion, pain, and love because of. She's the only thing I want. The only thing I need. I need her like I need to breathe. I need her and only her.

Finally after what feels like an eternity, her lips meet mine. Adrenaline courses through my veins, love running through my heart instead of blood. I kiss her hard. Needy, like a child at a candy store. Chubby fingers reaching for every bag and piece of candy within reach like it's a prize. In this sense Brianna's the prize and I'm the child.

I hold her in my arms, gripping her waist tightly, as if she's going to slip away from me at any given moment.

I pour all my feelings into this kiss. After being bottled up for so long, locked away in a chest, the key gone, it's finally been found.

I don't know how long we stay like this or how long we've been here. But I don't care, not one bit. All I care about is the girl that's right in front of me.

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now