Best friends nothing more

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I wake up with arms wrapped securely around my waist. I smile and snuggle closer to Matt's body.

Truth is these last 5 days have been filled with so many emotions. Sadness, happiness, scardness. I'm just glad in the end it turned out ok and J didn't kill himself. The thought of J gone makes my anxiety come full force at me and makes me scared. If he was gone I would NEVER forgive myself for not stopping him. I'd probably go back home and break up with Matt because everytime I saw Matt sad I'd feel like it's my fault one of his best friends are gone.

I decide that I'm gonna hang out with J today. I mean after everything we really haven't hung out at all. I get up, well try to and I'm instantly pulled back down by Matt's side.

"5 more minutes", he mumbles against my neck, kissing my cheek. I sigh and try to move his arms off me again, but fail.

"Maattttttttt", I yell loudly. He groans and rolls right on top of me. I swear he's like a big child. I sigh very loudly and try to push his arms away. Stupid athletic boy, he plays football and I play nothing so he's way stronger than me.

"Geettttttt offfffff", I scream right in his ear laughing at his reaction. He cringes and rolls off me with a scrunched nose.

"Jeez calm down why are you in a rush?", he asks arching an eyebrow at me with sleep ridden eyes.

"I'm gonna go see J, I wanna hang out with him today, it's the least I can do for him", I say frowning remembering yesterday walking in to him crying in G's arms. I shudder thinking of when I read his tweet saying 'I will' to that little b**** who calls herself a fan of Jack and Jack who told him to kill himself.

After J calmed down and me and Matt left, I dmed the so called 'fan' telling her to and I quote 'f*** off from Jack he did nothing to you b****'. As much as I feel bad, she deserved that.

"You're so nice babe, have fun", he smiles sympathetically at me before kissing me. I pull away and hop out of bed running to the shower to get ready.

Once I'm done I get dressed in a pair of jeans and a black tanktop, with all black vans. I brush my hair out and walk back out to a sleeping Matt. I smile a bit and lean over kissing his cheek before heading out.
I walk to Jack and Jack's hotel room to get J. I was hoping we could just hang out, you know alone since we really haven't, unless you count that moment in the hospital when me and him were both a crying mess..

I lightly knock on the Jacks door and a brunette girl opens it? I look at he room number and sure enough it's right. She looks at me annoyed. B**** no..

"Is Johnson here?", I ask. She nods and turns around.

"Johnson!", she screeches. Well thanks for making my ears bleed.

He pokes his head out of the bathroom and looks at the brunette with eyebrows raised an annoyed look playing on his face to match the brunettes.

"This girl is here to see you. A fan maybe?", she questions looking at me. I shake my head no.

"Um I'm part of MagCon", I say looking away. I hate that I get nervous in front of strangers. At the word MagCon Johnson peaks his head further out and his eyes land on me. The scowl on his face forgotten as he smile lightly at me.

"Hey Bri", he chirps. I look at him funny. Matt's the only one who calls me Bri. For some reason I like J calling me it too. (A/N- Betch bc u like him)

"Hey I uh was wondering if you uh wanted to hang out today? Just me and you?", I ask looking at the floor, the tan carpet suddenly more interesting than the conversation we're having.

"Sure let me get some clothes on though, you can come in if you want", he says. i walk past the brunette and I swear she's hardcore judging me. I can see why though. The designer clothing she's wearing tells me she's definitely more wealthy than I am. I look like trash compared to her. She has makeup that is perfectly done, those designer clothes, silky brown hair that complements her hazel eyes. Damn I'm ugly compared to her.

I sit on J's bed and wait for him as the girl checks her iphone, not bothering to introduce herself.

I lay back, sprawled out as I wait. I stare at the ceiling getting lost in my thoughts until she coughs obnoxiously. I look at her and she's staring at me. Damn judge me more why don't you.

"Who are you?", she asks.

"Brianna. I'm part of MagCon with my best friend Victoria. Who are you?", I ask.

"Madison Beer, Gilinsky's girlfriend", she says putting emphasis on girlfriend. Um okay cool? And I'm single and like geese, your point?

"Cool", I say as my phone rings. I pull it out to see a picture of Victoria and Nash and I answer.

"Hey Nash what's up"

"Hey, Matt wants to know where you are.", I roll my eyes, Matt seriously is out of it. I smile and shake my head.

"Matt's an idiot", I mumble looking at my hand, tugging my sweater down over it.

"I told him this morning I'm hanging out with J was he drunk or something", I laugh. Nash laughs and Hayes takes the phone from Nash.

"HEYYYYY GUURRRLLLLL", He yells. I laugh and say, "I can't believe you and Nash are related to me", at Nash's name Madison looks over at me suddenly taking interest.

I hate when people eavesdrop, like does this involve you? No now go away you llama.

"J's coming out of the bathroom in a minute so I gotta goooo". We say quick goodbyes and hang up just as Jack walks out. He's wearing white t-shirt, black jeans, a pair of vans, and white snapback to complement his outfut. His hair is also in it's usual quiff that peeks up under the back of his hat (A/N- Johnson actually wore this outfit once. Comment where you think it's from:)

"Ready to go?", he asks smiling. I nod and get up walking towards the door. Once we're out we walk down the hallway together.

"Why'd you wanna hang out?", he asks looking ahead.

"We haven't really hung out at all so I thought we should do something", he nods and starts thinking.

"Wanna go to Malibu?", I look at him shocked as he looks at me with excitement running in his blue eyes. Whoa I never realized how blue they are.

"Um ok that was random", I laugh looking away. He just smiles brightly at me and hesitantly grabs my hand. Usually I'd shrug it away and look at him funny. Today, I find myself letting him. He pulls me down the hall to my room.

"Why are we going to my room?", I ask silently wondering if he wanted to bail from hanging out with me. The thought makes me frown internally. Externally I just look at him confused.

"You need a bathing suit babe", at the word babe my cheeks turn a crimpson red. What's happening to me today?? He unlocks my room (A/N- all the MagCon members have keys to each others rooms.) He lets me walk in first and he walks in behind me. I look and notice Matt's gone, with a note on the nightstand.

I pick it up and read it.

'Babe I'll be back later, have fun with Johnson :)
Love you', I look behind me and jump not realizing Johnson was within two feet of me. He just laughs at me.

"You should've seen your face", he starts laughing. I roll my eyes and lightly shove him.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up Johnson", I smile a bit. He shoves something in my hand and I look down confused. Oh right a bathing suit.

"Thanks", I mumble walking towards the door. He follows behind me with a goofy smile. I just shake my head and look at my feet with a smile tugging at my lips.
-Bri :)//

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now