~Pinkie swear?~

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~Jack J's POV~
I hold her as long as I can. I can't let go. Technically I'm not hugging only Brianna. I'm hugging the whole MagCon family. We all pull away from the hug and Aaron says,
"Jack you should have told us about the hate you're getting, we would all help you", I feel so guilty now. I look at all their truthful, sympathetic looks everyone is giving. They feel bad for not helping. I sigh.
"You don't understand it guys", I whisper sitting at the edge of Gilinsky's bed putting my head in my hands, rubbing my temples.
"But Jack we d..", Shawn starts to say but I can't let him finish.
"DON'T YOU DARE SAY YOU UNDERSTAND SHAWN! EVERY GIRL PRACTICALLY DROOLS OVER YOU! YOU DON'T GET HATE! NONE OF YOU DO! WHEN I'M WITH YOU GUYS I FEEL LIKE I'M THE DEAD WEIGHT DRAGGING YOU GUYS DOWN! I HAVE NO PURPOSE. ALL THE FANS AGREE TOO! I WANT YOU ALL TO BE HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL AND I'M HOLDING ALL OF YOU BACK! YOU ALL WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW WORTHLESS I FEEL! NONE OF YOU WILL!", I say and start crying. I hear them all leaving. 'Great they think I'm a freak, good job Johnson", I sigh as I start sobbing. 'I'm all alone, like always', my mind reminds me. I keep sobbing until I feel two skinny arms wrap around my neck. I look up meeting Brianna's hazel eyes and Matt standing sadly by the bed. I wrap my arms around Brianna's waist pulling her closer, putting my head in the crook of her neck.
"Jack you want to know why me and Matt stayed?", she whispers into my ear. I shiver from her touch and voice. I slowly nod my head against her neck.
"Matt?", she asks. I hear Matt sigh as he sits on the right side of me and Brianna.
"You sure you want me to tell Jack, Bri?", he asks and she nods in the crook of my neck.
"On the first day of MagCon you know how Bri ran out", he pauses asking me.
"Yeah what about it?", I ask curious. I feel Brianna tense up and she pulls away pale.
"Brianna?", I ask and she looks down looking sad. I notice the way she scoots into Matt's arms and he gently wraps them around her torso looking down sympathetically at her.
"Well want to know why she ran out?", Matt asks me and I nod.
"Bri was getting hate. Hate from all the MagCon fans in the meet and greet. Victoria had no clue about it and thought she was overwhelmed. Bri was honestly scared and just had to escape like you were about to until we all stopped you. So she ran before the next fan could say anything. Me, Nash, and Victoria followed her to the hotel and then Victoria and Bri got in a fight. I was really nervous after Victoria came out of the room crying. I went in and saw Bri on the floor crying and I just felt so heart broken. I hugged her and told her that she's beautiful because well anyone with eyes can see that. I hugged her and asked if she could tell me what happened and she told me that she got hate. It got worse and worse as MagCon got closer. She only told me though and no one else. She didn't want anyone else to know", he says and I stare at Brianna wide eyed. She's hugging Matt now full on sobbing. I watch them for a minute. How Matt delicately yet firmly holds her in his arms letting her sob onto his shirt with no problem not thinking twice about it as he cries with her. How her arms are locked around his neck with her head in the crook of his neck legs wrapped around his waist. I smile. They belong together, no doubt. Then it hits me. I'm an idiot. 'I'm not alone', my mind says.
"Guys?", I ask. They pull away looking at me.
"Yeah?", They ask in incision tears rolling down both their cheeks.
"Thank you. For both of you being here, both of you stopping me from killing myself, both of you being my best friends, and both of you for understanding", I say smiling at them. They both smile at me and pull me into their hug. I feel so happy. I'm with my best friend and the love of my life. Every thing is actually OK for once. We all remain hugging all of us crying together.
"Jack I know me and you have our ups and downs but no matter what we are best friends, family. I won't turn on you, I won't hate you, I won't leave. I got jealous of you. You know you like Bri and I just I don't know you can rap, you're funny, I just thought she would leave to go with you", Matt truthfully says after we pull away and Brianna hugs him tighter.
"Matt I had no clue I'm really sorry but I want you two to know that I won't interfere with you two. You belong together. I'll be OK but just I want us to be best friends still. All three of us", I whisper.
"Here we'll pinkie swear", Brianna say holding out her pinkie. Matt and me are about to take it until she shakes her head with a smile
"This isn't right hold on", Brianna says kissing Matt's cheek quickly and running out. Me and Matt look at each other confused. After about 10 minutes Brianna walks in with Jack. He has tear streaks down his face. 'She must've told him', I think. Brianna sits down next to Matt and Jack sits next to me smiling at me. I smile back. Brianna and Matt hold out their pinkies looking at us with a smile. I look at them, how Matt has his free hand interwined with Brianna's. I smile as all four of us lock pinkies. This is saying that the four of us will always be there for one another.
"I can't believe all this happened in almost 5 days", I say laughing and then Jack, Brianna and Matt join in , Matt and Brianna with their identical laugh. I can't help my smile. They are meant to be. I'm just glad I have Brianna, Matt, and Jack as my best friends.

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz