So Cold

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I turn around and pull my room key out of my pocket. I unlock the door and open it only to stop dead in my tracks.......
It's like the world stops spinning on its axis and time freezes.

I feel like someone just stabbed a knife through my heart. Painfully ripping and shredding it piece by piece like a paper in a paper shredder.

In MY room, in MY bed, Matt is there. But, he's not alone and he's not clothed.......

Matt's lying on MY bed having, yes as in currently, right now having sex with his ex- girlfriend Ellie....

I don't want to believe it, I wish it was just a rumor that I could laugh at with Matt on my side, assuring me they could never be true in million years but, Matt's not on my side, he's in bed with his ex-girlfriend that forced Jack to have sex with her.

"No", I whisper.

I feel the burn of tears brimming in my eyes fresh wet drops aching to fall. My heart beats again like a drum, but not like it did with Johnson. With Jack it felt exhilarating and amazing, right now every beat feels like a bullet puncturing it. A bullet to the lungs, closing my beathing off making me dizzy.

'People say goodbye in their own special ways', go to Johnson he'll be there for you unlike Matt.

For once I find myself listening to my mind. I shut the door, to weak minded to say anything to Matt. To heart broken to look at his perfect hazel eyes. To depressed to even think of yelling at him and telling the slut off.

After I shut the door I take off at the speed of light. Fast as a lightning bolt. Quick as a camera flash when memories are captured on film.

Tears blur my vision screaming to let them go. And that's exactly what I do as I run down the hall to the Jack's room. Tears run down my cheeks, like raindrops on a car window.

Go to him, go to him, go to him, my mind screams 'like an anthem that the whole world's singing' (I had to add this, comment the song it's from:)

As I'm running I see Cameron and Nash walking down the hall. As I'm running I take shallow breaths, by throat begging to let a loud sob out. Arms and legs feel like jello, weak and jiggly. Head feels like someones banging a hammer on it.

Nash and Cameron looks up at me right as I pass them. I was to quick for them to see the tears that run down my cheeks, coating the pale skin.

I don't bother to turn around as they scream my name.

'Nothing goes as planned everything will break', If I turned around I'd break and there's only one person I know I can break in front of and he's behind the room door in front of me.

I knock, weak small knocks for the weak small girl. I hear the lockes turning on the hotel door and I take a deep shaky breath looking at the room numbers. 1996. The year both of these boys were born. 1997 is my room number. The year Matt was born.............

The door open to reveal Gilinsky with Madison next to him. I look and see Johnson standing up next to his dresser.

"Hey Brianna what's up........ What happened!?", Jack asks his tone filling with concern and worry. I ignore him, he's not the one I can break down in front of. The one I can break down in front of is also named Jack, but he's blonde not brunette.

I push right past Gilinsky and run right to Johnson.

I wrap my arms around him and his body instantly tenses. Who's hugging me? He's probably wondering. But almost instantly his arms are wrapping themselves around my body.

"What's wrong? You okay?", he he asks, worry dripping from his tone. I shake my head. No, no, no, no I'm not ok. My heart is broken. The person I've loved since I was 13 cheated on me.

Instead of saying that outloud I let a small sob out into his neck. He instantly pulls me back.

"Bri what's wrong!?", he asks, letting his hands rest on my cheeks, gently wiping the fresh tear off my cheeks.

"M-M-Matt c-cheated o-on m-m-me", I choke out. Words burning my throat as they leave my mouth. Words filled with poison that slowly kills me little by little. Dark, dark words, describing a dark, dark monster. Torturous, murderous words.

---------Jack Johnson's pov-----------
"M-M-Matt c-cheated o-on m-m-me", she sobs out. I stare at her utter shock andf disbelief. Matt?! The guy who cried for months because Ellie cheated on him? The guy who never shuts up about the beautiful angel that stands in front of me?

I look at her now, tears rolling out of her hazel/green eyes because of him, broken look in her eyes. Scared, alone, shocked, a dark message only I can see. I swipe my fingers under her eyes, wiping all the fresh tears away as Gilinsky and Madison look at her with something in there eyes. Pity. I hate when people pity people. I glare at them both and grab my car keys off of the dresser besides me and my angel.

My angel. I could get used to that.

I pull Bri into my chest, arms wrapping themselves around her waist tightly and securely. Her arms come up holding her face in her hands as silent sobs escape. She rests her forehead on my chest as I hold her body against mine.

This girl in front of me was laughing and smiling just a half hour ago. We we're screaming lyrics and having the time of our lives in Malibu.

I pull away from her and grab her hands, pulling them away from her face.

"Come on I'm going to take you somewhere so we can talk in private okay?", I whisper into her ear. She nods lightly. I shake my head thinking about how Matt could even consider cheating on Bri.

Bri looks like she's going to break any second so I pick her up bridal style in my arms. She doesn't attempt to stop me so I just start walking out of the room with her small delicate body in my arms. Gilinsky opens the door for me with a sympathetic smile. I just walk past him and down the hall. Of course Matt is in the hall......

Hello geese.
Why would Matt do that -_-
But Johnson saved the day aww

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now