~What about angels?~ ((((Not a chapter))))

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~Alright my young bucks as you can tell by the title this is not an update on my story. This is my daily update. I decided to do a whole separate chapter on this because there was a lot that had happened since the last time I have updated. I want to take a moment to talk about the one and only beautiful Caroline. She had passed always and heaven had gained anther angel. She was the most beautiful happy girl ever. It's amazing with everything this girl had went through she always had a smile on her face the whole time no matter what. I truly wish we all had her courage and bravery somewhere inside of us. I will never know how the Magcon boys especially Hayes and Cam are feeling now. I don't want to see her death in a negative way, I want us to all really look at it in a positive way. Caroline was the most positive person, with everything she was going through how she had a smile the whole time. I am truly proud of her for never giving up, never breaking down, and effecting all of our lives in a happy positive way. She will be greatly missed, but by seeing her and seeing how she acts I don't think she would want us to be sad about her, but rather see the positivity in her passing away, think about it she's finally free from the battle she had. She never has to worry again. What I am saying in all of this is Caroline had a beautiful soul that effected so many. She never had a frown or a single tear in her eyes. She stood up, kept her head high and lived to her fullest. She was truthfully to young. Way to young for this. It makes me so sad how easily one can vanish, but she was and will always be an inspiration to me no matter what. Caroline will be greatly missed, but never will we forget this beautiful girl ever. She's in a better place now. #RipCaroline we will never forget this day :''( Heaven gained a beautiful angel today.....................

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