~Thank you Matt~

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~Taylor's POV~
I have no clue where Nash, Victoria, Matt, and Brianna are. I still like Victoria alot and have no clue how to tell her. All four of them suddenly come running down the hallway in the MagCon building. Matt and Nash have Victoria and Brianna in their arms bridle style. I get really jealous seeing Vic and Nash that close. Seeing them together hurts me inside. I know I've seen her a day but I feel like I've known her forever. I look at Brianna who has a big smile on her face. Yesterday she ran out crying and now she's smiling? Why?
~Mahogany Lox's POV ~
Brianna, Nash, Victoria, and Nash all come running in twenty minutes late to MagCon.
"BriBri, (That's Mahogany's nickname for Brianna), are you OK?", I ask remembering yesterday.
"Much better now", she says as Matt puts her down.
"Brianna oh my god are you OK?", Jack J. asks running over to Brianna with Jack G. on his tail.
"Yeah now I'm OK, I talked to Matt and he made me feel better", she replies hugging a very worried Jack J. He looks her up and down and we all do too realizing what she is wearing.
"Wow Brianna you look uhh b-beautiful", Jack J. says stuttering. That was a mistake. Matt looks like he wants to murder Jack.
"Alright alright Zayum MagCon has to start, so lets go batch", Cameron yells breaking the tension running to the stage. We all follow and are greeted by screaming fans.
~Matthew Espinosa's POV~
I look at Bri who looks more nervous than ever.
"Hey remember stay by my side OK?, by the way you're beautiful", I whisper lowly.
"OK", she replies with a smile.
"Alright guys, since the whole group is here today, were going to do all the live performances", Taylor yells into the mic and everyone screams and shouts.
"Um actually before the performance's I need to talk to all of you who were here yesterday", I say and Bri grabs my arm lightly.
"Matt don't please", she says not thinking it would eco into the microphone but it did and now the fans are more confused then ever.
"Most of you guys here are threatening Bri to stay away from me. If you are a true fan of me, you wouldn't stoop that low and do that. You have no clue how much I honestly hate hate guys. Just take a moment to look at Bri. She doesn't dress like a slut, she doesn't act like one, she isn't one. She is so beautiful and how you don't see it. I'm sorry but I don't care how many fans I loose. I'm going to be by Bri's side because she is so talented and beautiful and doesn't deserve the hate she gets. It's Vic and Bri not Vic or Bri, most of you need to learn that", after I said that you could hear a pin drop in that room. Then out of no where one girl starts clapping and smiles at me. Then more and more, soon all of them are clapping. I look down at Bri and she's smiling at all of them.
"Thank you Matt", She says and hugs me. Then Jack and Jack, Shawn, Taylor, Victoria,and the rest of the group, group hugs. When we finish Nash yells,
"Now lets do this thing!", and all the fans yell in response.
"First off Taylor is singing 'Buckwild', with Hayes", Cam says handing them both a mic. Then the song starts. The crowd was going wild the whole time.
"Victoria, Bri can you sing?", Jack and Jack ask and I smile knowing that answer.
~Victoria's POV~
"Yess!", I say looking at Gilinsky. After a minute I notice Brianna hasn't answered. Before I can say anything Jack J. pulls her to the side.
~Jack Johnson's POV~
I pull Brianna to the side after she doesn't answer.
"You can tell me, it's OK", I say looking into her eyes.
"No", she says and I nod.
"Come on you have to try, do you really think Hayes can sing", I ask and she smiles.
"I can rap", she says looking down shyly.
"Seriously", I ask in disbelief. I would have never expected that. She nods.
"That's my type of girl!, Your helping me and Jack do out songs then", her eyes go wide.
"NO!", she yells and I look at her confused.
"I have stage fright", she whispers,"I'm not as confident as Victoria is", I look at her.
"I'll be next to you the whole time"
~Brianna's POV~
"I'll be next to you the whole time", Jack says and instanly Matt's words come back to my mind,'Hey remember stay by my side OK?', I look at Matt who happened to be staring at me. He looks at me and gives me a slight nod with a smile. I smile back and tell Jack I'll do it.
"YAY!" Jack says like a little kid hugging me and I giggle. He's adorable. He grabs my arm and walks out to the stage since Hayes and Taylor were done performing.
"OK guys we have a special suprise for all of you. Brianna and Victoria are going to help us perform 'Wild Life'", all the fans cheer and you hear people asking which one of us raps and sings.
"Guys, guys, just remember it like you remember me and Jack here. Blonde raps, and brunnette sings", Jack Gilinsky says and you hear some of the people laughing in the crowd.
"Let's go!", Jack J. says and the music starts.
"Ready?", Jack J. says lowly in my ear so I can hear and no one else can. I got a chill down my whole body and I nod. I take a deep breath and start.
~Victoria's POV~
Brianna and Jack start rapping and it is amazing. She would always rap along to 'Wild Life' on ooVoo calls but that isn't the same.
'DON'T BE AFRAID TO GET ROWDY!', I hear them yell. Oh no it's my turn.
'NOT DONE YET PASS ME THE BOTTLE, IT'S TWO A.M. LET'S HIT THE THROTTLE.........', We continue with the fans echoing us. We completly stop when it says 'Wild Like, Wild Life' and we have the fans yell it. We do the whole song and when we're done everyone is chanting, 'Jack and Jack, Bri and Vic', and I can't help the smile on my face. I look at Bri who is doing the same. Her face suddenly goes still and her eyes go down looking at her hand. I look too and see Jack J. is holding her hand. She gentle pulls it away confused and Jack J. looks sad. We all go off stage smiling. Bri runs to Matt and jumps into his arms smiling. I do the same to Nash. I couldn't be happier and when I look over to Taylor I notice something in his eyes. The same as Jack J. had a minute ago. Hurt? Nash puts me down and we smile at each other. I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Hi guys!", I hear Bri say excitedly.
"Yass batch!", she yells and I know my bestfriend is back.
"Where's Matt", I ask her.
"He had to talk to Jack J., why?", she asks and I tell her it is nothing.
"I'm gonna go talk to Hayes, he's over there alone", she says walking to him. When she's gone Nash grabs my arm and starts to walk really fast away.
"Nash? Uh your hurting me", I say and he stops.
"Sorry but I have a feeling Jack is gonna die tonight", he says and I look at him wide eyed.
"Why?", I say concerned. Nash sighs and pulls me along with himself. We turn a corner and hear a yell.
"Holy shit!", Nash says now running. We turn a corner and I see the thing I least expected. Matt has his hand around Jack's throat and is glaring at him.
"Stay the f*** away from her Jack. I'm not letting you steal her like Eliot. You think I didn't see you try and hold her hand?, I did and I swear if you do that shit again I will f****** kill you, that's not a threat, but a promise. Got me?", Matt screams in his face. Jack looks terrified and nods. Matt lets him go and walks angrily to Brianna. Jack stole Matt's old girlfriend? I look to Nash who nods at me.

Those Two Viners [Matthew E. x Jack J.]Where stories live. Discover now