Malibu and that purple haze

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Brianna's pov-
"No you didn't.", I laugh in between breaths.

"I swear we stole a car on accident!", he says trying to convince me. I just shake my head laughing at him.

Today has been one of the funnest (that's not a word I made that up) days I've had in a while. Jack ended up taking me to a beach in Malibu and then dinner at a beautiful restaurant. All throughout the day we were laughing and playing around like two kids, but at the same time I felt something weird in the pit of my stomach when ever he would look at me. It almost felt similar to the feeling I get with Matt, strange.

"You okay?", Jack asks resting his hand lightly on my thigh, breaking me from my thoughts. My breath hitches. What's wrong with me? I shake the thoughts out of my head and look up to meet Jack's ocean blue eyes.

I take in his facial features for a moment and notice the way his eyebrows furrow when he's worried, his hair is up in a perfect quiff despite the wind that blows it to the side, and how his lips turn into a small frown.

"Yeah I'm okay.", I say in a hushed tone resting my hand on top of his. Why does this feel so right? I'm with Matt what am I doing?

It's not like you're making out with the boy, you're just a girl hanging out with a guy.

I guess that's true.

"We should go back to the hotel.", he sighs going to get up. Sadness hits me like a tornado as I see him get up. I don't want today to end, it was so perfect. I find myself acting before I can comprehend what I'm doing. I grab his hand and pull him back down next to me on the sand.

He looks at me in question for a moment. What are you doing?

Can we stay just until it's dark?", I ask. He stares at me for a moment and I afraid he's going to say no. I sigh and start getting up knowing it was a dumb question. I'm suprised when I feel a pair of warm arms around my waist pulling me back down. I smile a little and look at Jack who puts his arms back to his sides with a blush on his face.

"We can uh stay a little longer if you want.", he stutters. I nod and smile as the sun goes down.

"Thanks.", I smile

"For what?"

"Hanging out with me and making it one of the best days I've had in a while.", he just smiles wider and throws an arm around me shoulder, pulling me into his side.

"That's what best friends are for.", he whispers. My heart hurts at the words best friends. Best friends. Best friends. That's all you'll ever be. Nothing more.

I frown and look down away from him. Anything but his face. Anything but his perfect smile and eyes and dimples. It feels like someones punching me right in the gut. Why? I have no clue. What's wrong with me?

You like him.

I shake my head. No no no no! I like Matt! Don't I?

"What's wrong Bri somethings bothering you.", Jack says. I sigh trying to stop my heart from beating so fast. This has never happened with Matt what's going on? Beat, beat, beat, like a drum in my chest. Beat, beat, beat, in the tune of my favorites song. It won't stop loud pounding in my chest.

"Bri?", Johnson whispers shaking me gently. I look at him. Eyes so blue, blue like the Florida keys ocean. Bright when he's happy, dark when he's sad. The sunset makes his eyes look so amazing, but there filled with concerned. Concern for the girl in front of him. The girl who's having a battle with her mind. What am I thinking!? Stop it uhhhhhhhhhhh.

"I just don't wanna go back to the hotel, I had so much fun today.", I fake smile.



You like him and you're to much of a coward to realize it. You don't like Matt. He hasn't even called to ask where you are, some caring boyfriend you have.

Stop. It.

"Me too.", he breaks the battle with my mind. I look out and realize the sun is completely gone now and we're sitting in complete darkness. How long have we been sitting here?

"Wanna go back now?", he asks.

No....... I wanna stay here with you. I wanna forget about everything and sit here with you forever, listening to the waves crash on the beach and your light breathing.

But I don't say that. Instead I reply with a simple, 'I guess.'

He gets up and stands in front of me, reaching his hand out to help me up. I reach up and grab his hand, tingles running through my. When I'm up he hesitates to let go.

Please don't let go.

He lets go. My heart pounds faster.

I shiver from the cool night breeze that hits my exposed arms and semi-wet hair.

"You cold?", he asks as we walk side by side to his car. I shake my head knowing if I said yes he'd give me his jacket. Jack brought an extra jacket incase it got cold and of course I wasn't thinking so I didn't.

"Don't lie you're shaking.", he frowns pulling his hoodie off.

"Jack you don't have to...", he cuts me off by grabbing my arms and putting them above my head as I stand in confusion. He slips the jacket over my arms and body. Warmth envelopes my body. I wrap my arms that still tingle from Jacks touch around my chest and look away as he chuckles and my cheeks turn red.

"I hate you sometimes.", I smile a little.

Lies you love him.

"Love you to babe.", he chuckles opening my car door for me.

I just roll my eyes at his chilishness, and hide thee blush that threatens to show on my cheeks.

Quadruple update bc I got carried away when I was writing opps....
Warning I'm so sorry if you ship Bri and Matt..................
I cried when writing the third and fourth chapter.

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