Chapter 15

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"Where the hell did they go?" the dense protagonist scratched his head. They were just behind him a moment ago. Where were they now?

Was this a prank? In the time he's spent with them, this had to have been another prank. Over the few weeks he had been teaching them, there had also been prank wars. Until Nino took it too far and laced all her sisters and Fuutarou with a sleeping pill.

He started searching, not with any panic behind his voice as he called out their names. Believing this really was just a set-up to make him look stupid.

Unfortunately for him this wasn't a prank. They really did get separated.

The eldest quintuplet sat down on a bench and sighed, "How did we get separated?"

She thought back to the moment that she realized everyone disappeared, it was as though the crowd just grew larger and soon she was surrounded by strangers. All alone.

She didn't like the feeling of being lonely, she was always surrounded by people she knew. Whether that being her sisters, Fuutarou, or people from work. 

She stood up ready to start searching, until she felt a tug on her Yukata. There sat a little girl crying, "Can you help me find my mommy?"

"Ichika! Miku! Itsuki! Yotsuba!" Nino called out, "Screw Fuu-kun, he freaking left us all alone. I don't want to see his face until I've seen the other-"

"Nino?" the second oldest squeaked as Fuutarou appeared from behind her.

"Why'd you go ahead without us?!" 

"What are you talking about?! You should've been following the whole time! There was no verbal indication that I should've been going slower!"

"Well you should realize that Itsuki is fat meat bun and can't walk that fast!"

"... Okay true, but you could've at least said, 'Fuutarou slow down' is it that hard?!"

"Maybe you should've let us go first! Haven't you heard the line ladies first?!"

"Well fine! You lead us to the rest of them!" 

"I will! Um... They must've gone that way!"

"Nino, that's the way towards the fireworks, you know the place where you all accused me for leaving you."

"I-I knew that! How about that way!" 

"You're still pointing towards the same direction."

"What the- that way!"

"Whatever you say..." he sighed as the two of them started off in that direction.

The middle girl was with Yotsuba. She was eating candy and Miku was helping herself to Yakisoba. 

"Hey Yotusba?"

"What's up?" the athlete unwrapped another lollipop. 

"Do you ever notice that you and I never talk that much? I mean on our own."

"Do you think it's because we just don't have much to talk about?"

"Well, we play video games still and have fun, but other than that we only talk to each other when the whole gang is there."

"You're right! See your favorite sister is probably Nino-"

"She's not!" Miku protested in true tsundere fashion.

"Well, either her or Itsuki, I'll just say it right now Ichika is my favorite."

"Why, because she does everything for you, even brushing your teeth?"

Even You is Split in Fifths (A quintessential quintuplets fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now