Chapter 67: Abandoned

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"Misomi, are you done yet?" <Aleytia>

"Yes, I'm coming out now!" <Misomi>

Right after, Misomi got out the toilet. The both of them proceeded to wash their hands. Once done, they made their way to where Layla is.

But suddenly,


""Kyaa!!!"" <Aleytia & Misomi>

Both the girls screamed at the sudden explosion. Immediately following that, the ground started to shake, and they fell to the ground.

"W-What's going on?" <Misomi>

Misomi began panicking at the sudden occurrence. While Aleytia,

"I don't know..." <Aleytia>

Instead of panicking just like Misomi, she instead maintained a calm demeanor.

Though she may act childish and spoiled sometimes, but when it comes to serious situations, she will act accordingly. She's a princess after all, she was taught to act dignified when it matters. So right now, she began trying to figure out what is going on. While doing so, Damian appeared.

"Princess, are you alright!?" <Damian>

Damian came running towards them from within the cloud of dust.

"Damian, do you know what's happening?" <Aleytia>

"No I don't. But I assume it's a terrorist attack?" <Damian>

Damian did not know what's going on, so he just made an assumption.

"Terrorist, huh? It's too of a coincidence that someone would do this, just when I'm here. Nobody should have known that. But for now, we just have to assume that." <Aleytia>

Aleytia made a rough hypothesis of the terrorists purpose.

"Aleytia-Sama..." <Misomi>

On the other hand, Misomi who was beside Aleytia, heard what she said. She began trembling even more.

"Ah, Misomi. Don't worry, just stay close to me." <Aleytia>

"Oh, okay..." <Misomi>

Seeing that Misomi calmed down a bit, Aleytia proceeded to issue instructions to Damian.

"Damian, bring us out of here." <Aleytia>

"Of course, Princess. You don't have to ask me." <Damian>

Damian began leading the 2 girls out of the mall.

But soon after they turned a corner, a group of people suddenly appeared and blocked their way. They were wearing black cloaks.

"Hand over the girl."

The one that seems to be the leader of the group, demanded them.

"Princess, stay behind me." <Damian>

Damian whispered to Aleytia.

Aleytia did so, while also tugging Misomi near her.

Damian then unsheathed his sword.

"What is your goal?" <Damian>

"I don't have to tell you. Just hand over the black haired girl, and I won't harm the rest of you?"

Black haired?

Both Damian and Aleytia got confused.

They both thought that all of this is happening because they are targeting the Princess of La-Viena. But what he said totally bamboozled both of them. They turned to look at Misomi whom is their target.

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