Chapter 11: Her desire for me

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As the fight was about to start, Iris shouted words of support to Shin, with a bright and cheerful face...

"Go Shin! Beat them down! Show them how weak they are then you!" <Iris>

However her Father and Brother still have their doubts whether Shin can defeat Dol and Bal by himself.

They thought he might be acting cool infront of Iris, so they asked Iris about who Shin is and other questions...

"Iris, how did you meet Shin? And is he really strong?" <Tokol>

"Yeah, I saw him appear from your shadows and that startled me. It was a magic ive never seen before. Im also curious about him." <Dan>

Asked with such questions, Iris happily talk about what he knows about Shin...

"Well... When i was uncocious after jumping into the river while running away from my pursuers, Shin found me and took care of me till I regain my concious. Im thankful for him that he saved me back there. And as for how powerful he is, i dont really know much about his abilities but what i can say is that..." <Iris>

Further explaining about Shin, Iris talked about how he manage to kill a High-ranked beast alone in under a minute, and also about that unusual ability that he used to materialize the dead beast from outta nowhere as if storing it.

Hearing such amazing feats and unknown abilities said by Iris, they became amazed as their doubts of Shin's victory slowly risen.

"Amazing... If you say such incredible things then he must be some strong adventurer." <Dan>

"Indeed. He holds unknown power and also using that weird ability to control that dark aura makes your story believable." <Tokol>

"Well... He said he's just a wanderer to me as well. I have my doubts about that but i am confident he is a good person!" <Iris>

"What basis can you prove that he is a good person?" <Dan>

"I just know it! My instincts tells me so!" <Iris>

Not wanting to tell them the reason why she trust him was that Shin did not attack her while she was unconcious, to her family. But most of all, he was considerate of her and very kind. He did not show any hint of indecency, though was abit bossy, she did not mind it. Iris smiled at the thought.

But Tokol and Dan made a wry smile at the baseless reason given by Iris. Unable to do much at the moment, they just stayed back and watch with their own eyes and judge Shin themselves.

While also preparing to take action in case Tokol and Bal might come to take Iris from them again.


Hearing Iris cheering him on, he made a sharp smile. Overjoyed that the woman he has his eyes on is supporting him.

Shana just made a warm smile as she watch Shin looking happy, though Shin does not know. Shana knows Shin desired this kind of situation so she did not say anything to interrupt him.

On the other side, Bal became enraged when he heard Iris cheering on someone else instead of him. Seeing the woman that should be his wife being happy for another man, his blood boiled. Due to that, his power surged, though his control over it becomes harder.

Dol told his son to calm down and gain proper control, but was ignored.

Seeing his opponent smiling after being cheered on by Iris, Bal snapped. He dashed forward to zero in on Shin, as he prepares to slash down Shin.

{This fast attack should finish him off.} <Bal>

From other people's perspective, it seems like Bal disappeared and reappeared in front of Shin in the blink of an eye.

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