Chapter 32:

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Exiting the royal carriage, they were greeted by rows of knights. A person that seemed to be the leader, was also standing at the front of the door.

They walked through the path created by the rows of knights and eventually stopped in front of the leader of the knights.

"Hmph! So you're the guy that I was told who possesses the Legendary Cursed Sword? You don't look all that amazing..." <???>

He then looked at the girls beside Shin. With eyes full of fascination, he closely examines the three girls. Looking at them, he got mesmerised by two of the women. In his mind, Iris was as beautiful as what the rumours say of elf people. While for Shana, she was a woman that he considered more beautiful than the princess he adored. He could tell this was no joke since the other knights were gazing at her as well.

"Tsk! Guess you must be something if there are beauties following you. Well then, my name is Damian Kharesma, leader of the Azure knights. I'm sure you four have been informed of the formalities. So I expect you to behave yourself in front of the king. Now then, please follow me." <Damian>

Shin and everyone followed behind as they walked through the castle's hallway. Along the way, they pass by different kinds of ornaments and decorations. Such as statues, paintings, and even colourful gems embedded on the walls. Everything was as expected of a castle, all were fancy and luxurious.

It should be normal for people who were not of royalty to feel fascinated by such luxurious decorations. However, that wasn't the case for Shin and his group. Except for Misomi who was mesmerized by every decoration she passes by, the rest acted as if the decorations were of no significance. Shin didn't show a hint of awe as he walked through the castle. Whenever he looked at one decoration, he only casually glanced. Iris being royalty, also wasn't bothered by such decoration. As for Shana, she didn't even bother looking at anything other than Shin. The whole time she was clinging to Shin.

Looking at the three uninterest attitude, Damian got annoyed. He hates when royalty isn't looked up to. As a marquiss son himself, he enjoys the luxury of being rich and having power in society. To him, commoners should be grateful that nobles existed to maintain order within the kingdom. Without nobles, the kingdom won't function and society will fall apart.

Part of this is true, but the rest was what Damian had thought to himself. Probably due to his father over doting him when he was young, he eventually came to think that nobles should be revered by commoners, even other nobles that are below his rank. Basically he is a spoilt kid that takes his noble rank for granted.

Damian thought of reprimanding them for not acting just like how a commoner should when they are within a noble's territory, but he hold it in. Since they are the King's guest, it would be rude to the king if he acted roughly.

Soon enough, they finally reached the front of the throne room where the king is currently in.

The knights guarding the door moved to the side before they announced the arrival of Shin and his group to the people inside. As the door open, Damian continued to guide them into the throne room.

"Fellow citizens and guests, show your respect and courtesy before the king of La-Viena!" <???>

Reaching a few steps from the throne, a retainer of the king announces to the people within the throne room. Following that, the knights at the side changed their posture into a salute to greet the king. As for the nobles and aristocrats present, they did a slight bow. Since these people were not the main focus of this gathering, they did not have to show the utmost respect for their greeting compared to the people present in the middle.

Damian, the leader of the azure knights, and in charge of the guests, genuflect towards the king. This is the proper manner when showing your respect to the king.

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