01 | Burning flames

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Chapter one

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Chapter one

The night air was brisk and urged him to take a shelter inside, but he was still caught wandering across the forest, surrounded by tall trees and impenetrable darkness. It was February, the coldest month of the year, and the garments he was wearing were really not enough to keep him warm. He was just lucky the wind wasn't too harsh, because nothing was more unpleasant than the stinging in his ears and the prickling feeling under your skin when it warmed up again after hours outside.

With narrowed eyes Jungkook tried to see something through the darkness. His chest was heaving up and down, his hot breath turning into a fog and disappearing in the thin air. Jungkook's feet stunk into the spongy earth as he walked, and it left behind a trail of faint footsteps for as far as the eye could see.

The young alpha had been running through the woods for days, searching for something that many people thought of as a fairytale. No one had enough faith in him to believe that he would find the legendary true blood that lived among these territories. But he was desperate. Jungkook had been watching his warriors die for far too long, and he couldn't stay indifferent to the relentless death toll of his comrades.

Two years ago, this new pack came out of nowhere, seeking for revenge and blood. Their leader – the only true blood alpha to ever exist – cannot be stopped by any living creature. Many alphas had lost their lives in order to stop him, but nothing seemed to work. A simple glimpse of those red crimson eyes and you were a goner.

There was nothing in the world that was truly the most powerful. No person, no creature. They could all be broken down, defeated, killed. It was the way of the world, a way to maintain balance. Even the strongest, most dangerous creatures could be taken down by someone weaker if they were clever enough. It was bullshit in Jungkook's opinion.

The only way to kill a true blood was by finding another one. And Jungkook blindly held onto the myth of this mystic alpha who lived a lonely life as a rogue. As the second heir of the pack, it was his duty to protect his people and bring honor to the family. That was why he left as soon as possible when the news about the upcoming danger reached his ears.

He had been searching for this wolf for days, maybe even weeks, but so far nothing had shown up. He didn't know anything else about this rogue except for his location. High up in the mountains, hidden in the dark forest of tall trees and unknown to the civilization creatures, was living the powerful true blood.

Sounded like a story made up to scare the little pups, but it was his last chance to end the war and return the peace.

As he kept walking through the forest, feet aching and throat dry from the lack of water, the alpha suddenly stopped in his track when he heard the popping sound of a twig.

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