19 | Pretty flowers

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Chapter nineteen

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Chapter nineteen

Jungkook's conversation with Jimin kept him restless for the next few days. The alpha had never been more determined to do something, not even during all the times he tried to get Taehyung's attention by training ten times harder than the rest of the warriors and proving him how great of an alpha he was.

He trained noticeably longer and harder, to the point Taehyung found himself worrying about him, alpha or not. From constantly looking for methods to help warriors honing in their swordsmanship to even learning new battle skills.

He was incredibly hard working. It was admirable, and extremely inspiring.

Taehyung could sense that there was something more besides the need to protect his pack, something had changed Jungkook's point of view and now the alpha wanted to prove himself in more than one way. Not only to his people or for his own indulgence, but to someone dear to him.

And though it was still a little hard to ignore the way Jungkook watched him intently for lengthy moments at a time, he stopped trying to question him, knowing the alpha wouldn't answer with the truth anyway. Taehyung wasn't stupid—he knew there was something going on in his mind whenever he looked at him like that, but no matter how many times he would ask, Jungkook only had a mundane response, saying he was thinking about the weather changing and whatnot.


Taehyung was standing by the training area as he watched the newly minted warriors contemplate with the given task. His posture was the same as yesterday, arms crossed and gazing at everything with an observant look.

Jungkook tried to sneak behind him without being noticed, careful not to step on a twig and emit he was there. When he was just a foot away from him, the alpha closed the distance between them and covered Taehyung's eyes with his hands, electing himself a surprised gasp from the startled omega.

"Jungkook." He breathed out, catching a whiff of his familiar scent. Wet roses and musk, such a great combination that didn't fail to straighten the hair on his skin and made him shiver with anticipation.

The alpha tried to bite back a smile, digging his teeth into his bottom lip as he removed his hands from Taehyung's eyes so he could turn around and see him.

"Aren't you patrolling today? What are you doing here?" The omega asked, tilting his head to the side, his blonde curls falling over these sublime lashes of his. He did his best to ignore the sudden bundle of butterflies that appeared in his stomach, causing his heart to flutter happily in his chest.

"I'm just passing by to see how you're doing." Jungkook responded, a faux shyness contaminating his peerless configuration of facial features. He beamed at him and it was such a sweet smile, like raspberry jam was bleeding from those fruit-punch lips.

Taehyung could see the amusement in his eyes, the mischief flooding out of his irises, enabling his focus to be solely on the alpha's gaze.

"That's...very kind of you." He stammered, his cheeks were tinted red, the tip of his ears flushed as well.

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