04 | Don't ever ask omegas for help

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Chapter four

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Chapter four

"You can do what?" Jungkook exhaled, his brows darting upwards on their own volition as he touched the corner of his lip with the tip of his tongue. For the first time it occurred to him that perhaps this good-looking omega was actually unhinged.

The boy's gaze on him was continuous and sure and so frustratingly casual.

"I can teach you how to make a true alpha submit to you" he repeated, keeping his voice light and conversational as if they were talking about the weather.

Jungkook wanted to laugh at his words because since when omegas taught alphas how to do their job?

"You? An omega will teach me, the alpha, how to make people submit to me?" And Jungkook gave himself a pep talk, promised himself to be calm, not let anyone visibly get on his nerves, but it'd been less than a minute and he was already grinding his teeth together.

A whistle of a half snort escaped the guy's mouth. He pondered offence.

"First of all, my name is Taehyung. Stop calling me by my rank" His brows bounced with a casual irony, his mouth twitching with an intent Jungkook couldn't decipher and he didn't bother attempting to.

"Alright, Taehyung" Jungkook let the name roll off his tongue. His name reminded him of a flower, lovely and delightful. There was no exquisite beauty... without some strangeness in the proportion. "I still can't see how an omega can do better than an alpha."

The boy's gaze was even, and his tongue was too, though it took its time. He stared at him for a moment, silent and seemingly exploratory, his pupils bouncing across features of Jungkook's surely treacherous face. He had curious eyes, the alpha observed, though he looked upon him casual still, there was something about the shape and depth of them on his face that made them seem probing, or maybe simply interested. Or perhaps Jungkook was just much too irritated for his own good to get anything honest out of any interaction.

"Of course, you alphas can't see beyond the end of your noses." Taehyung's clicked almost automatic, his neck craning on his shoulder in the precise direction in which his eyes roll, and Jungkook could catch a glimpse of a faint mate mark resting on the tanned skin.

The alpha's lids fell further down over his eyes as the entirety of his countenance dulled. Inwardly, he was seething with quiet resentment. This bratty omega just interpreted him as narrow-minded.

"Are you hinting on something?" Jungkook perked a brow and took a step forward. He had to look down since the omega was a few inches shorter than him, barely reaching the level of his eyes.

There was no trace of fear on Taehyung's handsome face. Instead, there was defiance in those shapely blue eyes, fire and haughtiness, even though he was nothing but a simple omega.

"I'm stating out a fact" He corrected him subtly, the corners of his lips curling up in a small smirk. The boy kept his hands folded behind his back, staring up at Jungkook with the exact same challenging expression he wore.

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